  • Frumph
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
Installed 1.9.3, had only minor problems.

1) New Install, didnt really realize what to do with the fulltext.sql file at first, wasnt clear.

(got through it through)

2) When setting up the forum directies we were riddled with problems with being able to post to the seperate forums until we found the "delete cache" area.

3) the themes' .XML files dont all contain a resource for the FORUM:BANNER, so using this option in the admin - board settings was mute with all but one theme

4) I can setup administrator and moderator users easily enough but setting them as specific moderators for individual forum areas is completely unclear.

I know this is just a seriously silly question, but where the heck is sticky topic button in 1.9.3 ?

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago
1. There is nothing to do with with it. Just during install if you click the "Install Fulltext" button it will install it. If you don't know what it is, ignore.

2. Yes, this needs to be worked on -- cache should be automatically deleted when new forums are added. FP: Ederon :)

3. Just add Forum:Banner to any theme if it's not there.

4. Howso? You have moderator access permissions. Just assign them the Group that has moderator access PER forum. If they do not, give them regular permissions.

5. Sticky is the option when you post the topic under "Priority". (Thoughts: should we change this wording? Seems people are confused by it...)

15 years ago
I've searched, but I can't figure out how to use my existing Provider with the new 1.9.3. I already have users...do I need to write a script to pump them into them the yaf DB?
  • Frumph
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

1. There is nothing to do with with it. Just during install if you click the "Install Fulltext" button it will install it. If you don't know what it is, ignore.

2. Yes, this needs to be worked on -- cache should be automatically deleted when new forums are added. FP: Ederon :)

3. Just add Forum:Banner to any theme if it's not there.

4. Howso? You have moderator access permissions. Just assign them the Group that has moderator access PER forum. If they do not, give them regular permissions.

5. Sticky is the option when you post the topic under "Priority". (Thoughts: should we change this wording? Seems people are confused by it...)

Jaben wrote:

apparently windows server 2008 doesnt have the fulltext feature able for it with sql express 2005, shrug I cant find any ways to getting it to work, so that was part of that probably

http://forum.frumph.net [FORUM:BANNER] as the image.

my xml looks like this now:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Resources theme="Frumph" dir="frumph">
  <page name="THEME">
    <Resource tag="CREDIT">YAFVision Theme by Jaben Cargman (&lt;a href='http://www.tinygecko.com'&gt;Tiny Gecko&lt;/a&gt;)</Resource>
  <page name="FORUM">
    <Resource tag="BANNER">~/forum_banner.gif</Resource>
	<page name="ICONS">
    <Resource tag="PM">~/icon_pm.png</Resource>
    <Resource tag="EMAIL">~/icon_email.png</Resource>

^^ so its in there, but still isnt read., but maybe?

As for sticky, yeah its only working when you post apparently. I'm not able to sticky anything after it was already made. Since I just started working on this in the last 16 hours I havent gotten into the code yet to find where it does anything. When you are reading the topic of the page and you see the topics name and on the right side it has options -> watch this topic, email this topic, print this topic, rss feed I would add 'Sticky this topic' to that part. So I can sticky things that other people wrote and were worth keeping at the top. instead of having to repost every important thing...

  • Ederon
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago

2. Yes, this needs to be worked on -- cache should be automatically deleted when new forums are added. FP: Ederon :)

Jaben wrote:

:lol: I get it Jaben...:cheesy:

When I post FP:Ederon in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting.
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago

apparently windows server 2008 doesnt have the fulltext feature able for it with sql express 2005, shrug I cant find any ways to getting it to work, so that was part of that probably

Frumph wrote:

Update to the Advanced version of SQL Server 2005 Express (free) -- which includes fulltext.

http://forum.frumph.net [FORUM:BANNER] as the image.

^^ so its in there, but still isnt read., but maybe?

Frumph wrote:

Where are you putting your forum_banner file? ~/forum_banner.gif is actually where that theme is located:

usually ~/themes/YafVision.

As for sticky, yeah its only working when you post apparently. I'm not able to sticky anything after it was already made. Since I just started working on this in the last 16 hours I havent gotten into the code yet to find where it does anything. When you are reading the topic of the page and you see the topics name and on the right side it has options -> watch this topic, email this topic, print this topic, rss feed I would add 'Sticky this topic' to that part. So I can sticky things that other people wrote and were worth keeping at the top. instead of having to repost every important thing...

Frumph wrote:

Just edit the first post in the topic and change the priority setting.

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago

2. Yes, this needs to be worked on -- cache should be automatically deleted when new forums are added. FP: Ederon :)

Ederon wrote:

:lol: I get it Jaben...:cheesy:

Jaben wrote:

I'm so subtle ? :lol:

  • PHinett
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

I've searched, but I can't figure out how to use my existing Provider with the new 1.9.3. I already have users...do I need to write a script to pump them into them the yaf DB?

skilesare wrote:

I'm with you on this one, can someone just clear it up on the steps needed to be taken to get this working with existing users in a seperate database table?



15 years ago

You do not import users; nor will Yaf do a bulk import. It imports each user as they hit a Yaf page. If you think it's not working simply because you go to the Members area and don't see any... that's why. 🙂 Otherewise, leaving my membership providers alone comletely, except for the "inherits" attribute of the profile config section (as posted in that thread) has worked every single time I've integrated Yaf. If you need a concrete, working example of an integrated site, there's a link in that thread.

15 years ago
any idea when RC1 will be available?
[url=http://craigwhiteman.blogspot.com.au/]Capt. ArkCAW HonourNRespect- Need an Ark? I Noah Guy![url]

  • Mek
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago
Sometime after Jabens back from his hols... :-)

He is afterall the release man.


"It's a case of RTFM.. the only problem being we don't have a manual!"

When I post FP:Mek in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting. (Yes I stole this off Ederon 🙂 )

15 years ago
i was considering installing this version, but the upgrade install docs are a bit confusing for me

do i unzip them and copy them into the same location as my current YAF files, overwritting them?

15 years ago

New feature! Make sure to update your access masks with the "Download" flag set! Works now...

Fantastic!!! It's that I need right now!

I will test in my computer, then upgrade the forum. Thanxs for this feature!

15 years ago

We are testing yet another forum version 1.9.3 beta. But there is a issue I am not able to use any editors except the text ,BBC code editor and free text box.What we needs to do if we want to enable other rich text editor existing in forum?

Is there any one ? Please help. Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
you have to download and install the editors inside 'editors' and put the .dll file(s) inside the /bin directory.

i just did that on my site with the FCK editor v2.

i want to upgrade my yaf 1.9.1.x install to 1.9.3, but the upgrade instructions confuse me