15 years ago
When is expected to issue a rc1 and when the release?
My Forum: Synology italia 
15 years ago
i need some help

i went thru the install doc 3 times.

i combined the web.config of my 1.9.1x with this version correctly.

i keep getting errors about sections already existing, or

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: system.web, configuration. Line 176, position 1.

Source Error:

Line 174:

Line 175:

im all confused.....

15 years ago
midwestss...please post bugs and problems in the "Bugs & Problems" board of this forum.

To help you out for now...DO NOT combine config files...YAF versions vary greatly. Start with a fresh, clean v1.9.3 install...get it working, then MIGRATE your current data over. Will save you serious headaches!

Continue this in a proper post please.....

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

15 years ago
ok sorry about that
  • ekaleido
  • 59.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
Any chance the shoutbox/tagboard with or without ajax is going to be integrated into the binary release anytime soon? I don't have the necessary tools to build. 😞
  • vash
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander
15 years ago
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to upgrade my YAF Deployment from version to 1.9.3

When I tried to run the upgrading process I get an error message just after specifying the configuration password



I think I'm missing something but just could'nt figure it out... Any Idea? Thanks in advance...

  • mattcch
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to upgrade my YAF Deployment from version to 1.9.3

When I tried to run the upgrading process I get an error message just after specifying the configuration password



I think I'm missing something but just could'nt figure it out... Any Idea? Thanks in advance...

vash wrote:

Same issue too,

even with bb.config connect string as standard security:

"Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;"

and can't complie the 1.9.3 src with some error compling with vs2008 pro trial.

but for,it is ruuning perfect and compiled smoothly.

any help or suggestions?


15 years ago

I am using YAF 1.9.3 Beta . It was running fine when i was running it in a dedicated server . But for some issue we have transferred it to a shared hosting server.

Now the issue is when we are running it is showing the following error..."Connection Interrupted

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again."

One possible reason is the server only allow Medium Trust Level for dlls . Can anyone please help me how i can recompile it seting Trust Level = "Medium" . I have tried it by setting it in web.config file at .net Framework in my pc and then building the application but got bug and unable to run the application . Any has any idea about it ? Or can anyone suggest any possible solution ? Aor is there eny other issue ? Please Assist ..Thanks in advance



15 years ago
Thank your forum .

I'm download YAF 1.93. beta, but I don't understand BBCode Extensions. Can you help me or demo how I fill it. ?

What's Search RegEx, Replace RegEx,Use Module ...?

Thank you very much.

  • S_lam
  • 54.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
I'm trying to upgrade from 1.9.3 20/08/2007 to 1.9.3 alpha and all things is well but i found all passwords of all users even the admin is lost :roll:
  • jimmy03
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

Going to Update Nw.

[URL="http://www.pharmaexpressrx.com/purchase/sildenafil.asp"]GENERIC VIAGRA[/URL]




  • Ederon
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago

I'm trying to upgrade from 1.9.3 20/08/2007 to 1.9.3 alpha and all things is well but i found all passwords of all users even the admin is lost :roll:

S_lam wrote:

Yes, because passwords were stored as hashes in old version, they can't be retrieved and only way is to rewrite them. This is done on conversion and new passwords should be sent to users' email addresses.

When I post FP:Ederon in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting.
15 years ago

I have tried to add the permission level to the application's web.config file as follows..

<location allowOverride="false">
    <trust level="Medium" originUrl="" />
But got the following error...

 This configuration section cannot be used at this path.  This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this section using <location allowOverride="false"> from an inherited configuration file.
Line 32: 
Line 33: 	<system.web>
Line 34: <trust level="Medium" originUrl="" />
Line 35: 
Line 36: 		<trace enabled="true" pageOutput="true" requestLimit="1000" />

Is there any other way to set the trust level to medium ... Please assist as i can not change my hosting server immediately ...

Thanks in advance ...


15 years ago

Please do not post the same question in more than one place!!!

Answered in other post


.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

  • juanp2
  • 62% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
Not sure if this would be on topic here, but a question for the developers. Why did you choose to go with writing custom user-role providers rather than just building off the built in ASP.NET ones?