  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago
YAF v1.9.3 RC2 ( Dated 10/7/2008 )

RELEASE CANDIDATE: Use as your own risk (always)

Note! SMTP Server settings have been moved completely to mail.config and are no longer in the Host Settings.

October 7th Update:

Jaben: Fixed problems due to the project using NET v3.5 Web.Extensions.

Jaben: Improved Homepage & Blog handling in profiles and on posts.

Jaben: Fixed issue with the RSS Feed on Active Topics.

October 6rd Update (Changes Since BETA Release):

Jaben: Finally made login work when you press enter on the password field -- just bugged me for the longest time.

Jaben: Added "Treat Guest as Hidden" feature to ActiveUsers Control -- but I didn't add it to BoardSettings yet.

Jaben: Modified YAFInit HttpModule: Dispose sucks on IIS6 -- so just had to comment out that code for now.

Jaben: Moved all init code to Context -- context can now be started completely separate of the ForumPage.cs.

Jaben: Re-added "Mark as Read" to topic.

Jaben: Fix SQL upgrade issue with Gender column not null.

Jaben: UI improvements to PageLinks.

Jaben: Made the UI a bit prettier... Fixed bug in user_aspnet -- more of an ambiguity, really.

Jaben: Disabled caching of active discussions for everyone but Guests due to permission problems.

Jaben: Fixed issue with GotoPage form not working with linked pager.

Jaben: Fix for issue with ActiveUser if user logged in via another membership login interface on the same page.

Jaben: Bug fix for situation with string is null and BadWordReplace called.

Jaben: AllowLoginAndLogoff option added.

micscotho: Check access permissions each time the admin Edit User page loads, not just the first time

micscotho: Ensure the user is unlocked before admin resets its password.

micscotho: Fixed a bug preventing admin reset of user passwords when using non-YAF Membership providers.

Jaben: Attach checkbox is enabled for replies as well as new topics.

Jaben: BBCode improvements: Replacement unique code is even more unique. Improved code speed by using StringBuilder. Made some of the RegEx compiled.

Jaben: Fix for issue of searches with "quotes" using FULLTEXT.

Jaben: Added spoiler BBCode Module.

Jaben: Added reindex/runsql admin pages. Made the Delete all unapproved function on a date cutoff.

Jaben: Added BaseUrl and BaseUrlOverrideDomain options with explanations in app.config.

Jaben: ForumRoot is the EXTERNAL forum root (set with BaseUrl). ForumFileRoot is the INTERNAL forum root (set with Root).

WESclyburnw: Mail system no longer uses a thread -- it now uses a timer. Added a Queue function to the SendMail.

WESclyburnw: SMTP is pulled from mail.config is NO LONGER in board settings.

Jaben: Added fix for security issues associated with Avatar data without ContentTypes.

Jaben: Refactored ActiveUsers and added "Hidden" users + Guest count.

Jaben: Fix for Group/Role User syncing bug -- thanks to "mmbianco" for finding this problem.

micscotho: Fixed NullReferenceException if profile Blog data is null

micscotho: Made the registration page respect Membership.RequiresQuestionAndAnswer

micscotho: Made PM archive/delete buttons ThemeButtons

Jaben: Removed Login, Register, Logout when running inside a portal.

Jaben: Fixed possible security issue in profile for older databases.

Jaben: Fixed UserPMessage SQL Upgrade code.

Jaben: Added ViewStateIDDictionary -- just simplifies saving IDs to the ViewState.

Jaben: Made smilies rule lower priority -- was conflicting with URLs.

micscotho: Made Edited By text style configurable per-theme.

micscotho: Fixed issue of not truncate long URLs of the form http://asdf.com/xyz  properly

NOTE: Always run /install just to sync the DB when upgrading from v1.9.3 RC1 -- changes are minor but it needs to be run again.

Thanks to WESclyburnw and Micscotho for their contributions to this release.


Languages need to be updated to the latest in english.xml. Help with this is appreciated.

Contributing to YAF

How can you support YAF, you ask? Just help a bit. Test the software and post bugs. Answer a few questions on this forum for other, less knowledgeable, YAF admins. If you really want to go crazy, write a little documentation in the wiki...


v1.9.3 will upgrade from v1.9.1.x and below fine. I don't suggest you do it until you feel the software it ready.

Bug Reports



Sorry to say, DNN support was not a goal for this ALPHA release. That's not to say you cannot get it working with this release. If you do play around with it, please report back your findings.


YAF v1.9.3 RC1 doesn't requires Web Application Project to compile! In fact, most of the main source is dynamic compilation. But if you do want to compile the whole source, please download Visual Studio 2008 Express .

BIN: Includes the compiled forum and forum page files without the source.

SRC: Includes the compiled forum and forum page files with full source.



  • Mek
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago

Congratulations bud, know you put a lot of work into this release.


"It's a case of RTFM.. the only problem being we don't have a manual!"

When I post FP:Mek in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting. (Yes I stole this off Ederon 🙂 )

  • ivanpank
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
Is there anything wrong here?

line 529, file ReplaceRules.cs

private string _replaceFormat = "黢襸1}曛{0}蹑?;

15 years ago
Wow! Thanks for the release.Lots of new features.I really love DB reindexing :cheesy:
  • phucnd
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
Yeahhh!!! I really waiting it ...


15 years ago
Your a legend Jaben, really greatful. I have around 1000 registered users that sing your praise. 🙂
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago

Is there anything wrong here?

line 529, file ReplaceRules.cs

private string _replaceFormat = "黢襸1}曛{0}蹑?;

ivanpank wrote:

If it works, than it's fine.

  • ivanpank
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

Is there anything wrong here?

line 529, file ReplaceRules.cs

private string _replaceFormat = "黢襸1}曛{0}蹑?;

Jaben wrote:

If it works, than it's fine.

ivanpank wrote:

It can't work.

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
15 years ago

Is there anything wrong here?

line 529, file ReplaceRules.cs

private string _replaceFormat = "黢襸1}曛{0}蹑?;

ivanpank wrote:

If it works, than it's fine.

Jaben wrote:

It can't work.

ivanpank wrote:

Please explain. This is the actual code: "÷ñÒ{1}êÖ{0}õæ÷"

  • TommyB
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander
15 years ago
Really great work :D

No problems while adding my preview images, compiling yaf and updating.

Everything seems to be fine, except editing the guest user which still causes an error, but thats not a big problem for me.

Thanks 🙂

- Sry for my english ;)

BattCursor.Net  - Official homepage of that tool for vista laptops!

  • Lac
  • 89.600006% (Honored)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
I make a Russian language file update. It located here:


It include login form fix and post movment form fix. Tell, if i forgot somethink.

15 years ago
If i put the first RC on my site, and went thru the .net 3.5 stuff to make it work, is there anything I need to do, specifically, to make RC2 work if I remove .net 3.5??

I think if i remove 3.5, it might fix my GSP installation.

  • okeyes
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

Is there anything wrong here?

line 529, file ReplaceRules.cs

private string _replaceFormat = "黢襸1}曛{0}蹑?;

Jaben wrote:

If it works, than it's fine.

ivanpank wrote:

It can't work.

Jaben wrote:

Please explain. This is the actual code: "÷ñÒ{1}êÖ{0}õæ÷"

ivanpank wrote:

there is wrong yet..some thing need to be fix.

  • TommyB
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander
15 years ago
The file looks fine to me, too. (german windows & vs)

But maybe this is a problem with the windows codepage and the used special charters that may differ on a chinese / japanese (?) windows.


Maybe you can use unicode for your source files to force interpreting the special chars the correct way. You use the default, windows codepage which can cause problems on some special charters and other languages os.

To do this select File - Save As, click onto the small arrow down next to save and choose save using another encoding. Choose unicode and save.

Don't know if this will fix it, just an idea.

I'd like to try, but I can't handle an operating system on this languages 🙂

- Sry for my english ;)

BattCursor.Net  - Official homepage of that tool for vista laptops!

15 years ago
Where is spoiler BBCode Module?
My Forum: Synology italia 
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