  • delucasvb
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago

We are currently testing YAF on a local server and have made modifications to the source code and database structure. We are getting a strange bug in Internet Explorer when a notification is shown (e.g. when a user doesn't fill a required field, such as the login name or a search parameter). The modal window is placed in the upper left corner, only partly visible, and there is no black fade. Below the forum, an endless black field is created, I assume this is the interpretation of the fade that is going wrong.

We are using version 1.9.3. Is any one else having this problem? Could this be due to a modification made to the default.aspx or is it a piece of code that is malfunctioning?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


EDIT: Perhaps I should add that it works fine in Chrome, Firefox, etc. so that I think it must be an interpretation that Internet Explorer makes, but unfortunatly, I don't have much knowledge of how different browsers treat code in different ways..

  • delucasvb
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
Thanks! I did a little more searching and used this:

It is ignored by all browsers except Internet Explorer, which turns off its Quirks mode. This mode is an old interpreter that is causing a lot of issues with CSS.