• JP
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
10 years ago

What I need to do in my forum is to restrict some forums/categories based on minimum number of member posts.

The Ranks could be a way of doing this, since you can advance through ranks with # of posts...

However, I see no connection between Ranks & Roles and in the forums you can only set Roles access to forums...

Other forums have this functionality, and I think it would be great to have eg "Minimum Rank allowed to post/see" as a forum parameter...

If it's already possible to do, I would like to know how... 😉

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago
http://forum.yetanotherforum.net/forum/posts/t14329-Post-count-makes-forum-available  and I don't think there has been any feature implemented in its place.

I've been using two Role's to help block out spam. One for new registered users that can access only one section. Once they post a topic there, between 3 and 5 minutes they will be promoted to Registered role where they can have normal access throughout the site. I have a process that runs on a separate machine that checks for any new users with 1 post on the probation role. if it finds one, it promotes it.

But having this part of YAF would be a win win win win.

  • JP
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
10 years ago
Yes, I've seen it on your site - "Where did the post button go" - and it's a clever way of doing it from "outside"...

The ideal logic for me would be to:

1 - Force brand new members with 0 posts to a special topic (as you do) for introduction.

2 - Enable certain forums/categories automatically by different minimum number of posts in the forum, I do this for certain features on the rest of my site...

I know it's a "perfect world" scenario, but we are allowed to dream about it - aren't we? 😄

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]