  • mogliD
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago

I've been trying to integrate YAF into my existing MVC 2.0 app in VS 2008 (.Net 3.5).

I know integration into an MVC app is more difficult than web forms, but I will settle for using YAF in a web form within my MVC app.

I added all the YAF-v1.9.3-FINAL-BIN-NET35 contents into a Forum directory within my root directory.

Then moved all bin files from ~/Forum to ~/bin. Later on I added all bins as references to my project.

Then went on to merging the web.config I have with the recommended one (I only pray I did this correctly).

I'm attaching my web.config hopefully somebody can tell me if I got it right...

I tried to build my solution just to see i'm on the right track and get about 18 errors all of them regarding objects that do not exist in context:

PageLinks does not exist in this context (index.ascx.cs)

DoSearch ------------ " " ------------- (index.ascx.cs)

TimeZones ------------ " " ------------- (reguser.ascx.cs)

and a few more (They repeat)...

What am I doing wrong, and how do i continue from here? Take in mind i'm pretty new to ASP.NET and haven't succeeded in integrating other control into my application before.

Thanks for the help!

14 years ago


First off, don't get hung up on the MVC at this point. Just get the site running.

I'm using ASP.Net, C#, and SQL. I'm running VS 2008, SQL 2008 Enterprise, With IIS 6 on a XP System.

Soon to be ported to Server 2008, running IIS7.x

What I had to do was choose the defaults on the install to get YAF running on my system.

Make it the default IIS install directory.

I would do this on a test system first' perhaps in a VM instead of on your existing company site ect..

You want to get the basics down, that is setting up the SQL Database correctly, and getting the install to

populate it automatically.

As far as getting any help from this site, I got none! absolutely nothing so far with any questions.

I had to do it all trial and error. But it only took me about a day of headaches, and then I was up and running.

Don't try to follow the install guide to setup your site to an existing site right off the bat, it's not going to work

and your just going to pull your hair out of your head.

Follow the guide for setting it up with the default settings instead! as I have stated.

What I did, and my very minor improvisions to what was in the Guide.

1st. The IIS site, I setup a new IIS website on my local VM, called it YAF set this as the default in IIS, stopped

any and all other sites from running on this box.

2nd. Went into VS2008 created a new Web Site, didn't bother with any of the settings in here, just choose browse

and double clicked on the YAF site I created in IIS.

3rd. Followed the instructions in the Guide for copying all files to the default folders under my new site.

4th. I had to set my database connection string as follows.

Data Source=VM1NSQL\VM1MSSQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=YAF;Integrated Security=True

This is the way "my database" requires the connection string to be, that thing with Named Pipes they tell you to do

is a HUGE security issue in SQL, and it's not needed, I disabled it on my server

(Note: Named Pipes was still enabled for the initial creation of the database)

I disabled it after noticing that it was a very old method and no longer used, and a HUGE security issue.

5th. Ran the install and watched the database with all the tables, views, Stored Procedures get built.

Site came right up.

There were some minor issues here and there, but that is the just of it, the major problems I had getting off the

ground was

1. Create the YAF site in the Default IIS directory, (make it the default site in IIS the only one to start is preferred)

2. making sure to copy all of the files to the default IIS directory structure, (in YAF)

3. and set the connection string correctly in SQL.

Once you get it to this point you can figure out what is being loaded, and what is not.

I know this is not a install guide by any means, however it looks like your environment is close to mine.

And this is what worked for me.

So I hope this is of some help to you.

After all once you get this site going, it's actually pretty cool.

Good luck,


14 years ago
Oh and I just noticed, you are on the wrong version of YAF.

For .Net 3.5

you want to be running YAF 1.9.4 RC1


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