  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
14 years ago
In both Goggle and Bing Webmasters SEO Analytics Tools requires that you put a java script in the case of goggle and a META HTTP tag in the case of Bing. Goggle actually require two header scripts. Ad sense wants you to place a code in the headers also.

To make YAF more SEO friendly besides editing that app.config file this code . You should have a SEO tab in the Administration Area with a text box where we can place your java scripts and META tags in the of every page that is created. Something like the Advertisement tab that is in the Administration Area.

I personally want to know witch pages get viewed and how many hits the forum and each page gets. Goggle will tell me if I have that Java script in every forum page headers. A spider does have to visit the site the Java script automatically sends the information. More hit that get sent to Goggle the sites rating gets higher hence free advertising or cheaper cost to advertise.

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
Are you asking for a web statistic system in YAF? Why bother when there are tons of excellent and free options out there? You make putting some JS code in the header sound complex... it's extremely simple to do.
  • yeppers
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF All-the-Time
14 years ago
  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
14 years ago

Are you asking for a web statistic system in YAF? Why bother when there are tons of excellent and free options out there? You make putting some JS code in the header sound complex... it's extremely simple to do.

Jaben wrote:

No I'm not asking for you to put in a web statistic system in YAF. What I'm asking for you already have setup for. We can put HTML codes in to have our own advertisement. Every time a person reads a tread they can see the advertisements below the thread. Do the same thing for the codes for the header. Let us place meta tags and prescripts between the tags

Have a tab in the administration area like the Advertisement tab that you already have. All the excellent software out there still requires that you place codes between the header tags of each web page.

Shopping Carts, Blogs and Wiki's written in ASPX (Net framework 2.0) have this option already. The Developers of YAF is already using the technology already in another area of YAF. Please look at the image below.



It is easy to put the codes in YAF Default.aspx page. But the way that YAF Developers written the codes the Default.aspx page of YAF never changes. Only the content within the default.aspx change. I'm requesting that the developers to place a tag with the contents section that change and let the user have control over this section by placing a SEO Tab right by Adverts tab and doing basically what Adverts section does but placing the codes in the headers of the contents that get change

I know for a fact if this requested option gets implemented. YAF will become real goggle friendly. And Goggle is only the biggest Search Engine in the world. Because of the goggle javascript will send the hyperlink to Goggle, and when there spiders come to the site they will looked at this hyperlink that the database created and then store the information on thier search engine servers.

Futhermore Goggle will tell the sites owner how many hits the site got, the location of the user (Country & State & City) how many pages they saw, How long they stayed on each page, How long they were on the site. and what site they came from. and what site they went to.

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
I understand. Google analytics should be at the bottom of the page, though. And you can put things in the head tag in default.aspx... they won't get deleted.
14 years ago
I want say a few words about SEO? but i do'nt start a new topic on this thema.

Lets try create a translate symbol table for correct redirecting non-english symbols in URL. Like a i18n

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago

I understand. Google analytics should be at the bottom of the page, though. And you can put things in the head tag in default.aspx... they won't get deleted.

Originally Posted by: Jaben 

With ASP.NET Sample Application, having the Google Analytics code in the Site.Master is the right place, correct?

And you're saying to place it at the bottom of the Site.Master page, correct? I assume that is to ensure it loads last.

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago
A current SEO analysis what version this YAF board is running,



SEO Options - YAF Feature Requests - Yet Another Forum.NET - Forum


SEO Options: In both Goggle and Bing Webmasters SEO Analytics Tools requires that you put a java script in the case of goggle and a META HTTP tag in the case of Bing. Goggle actually require two header scripts. Ad sense wants you to place a code in the headers...

Keywords: actually,administration,advertise,advertisement,advertising,analytics,appconfig,automatically,besides,cheaper,



After a little reading up on SEO and META recommendations, I think the following tweaks would benefit YAF users.

META Title: only the topic title and not exceeding 80 characters

META Description: only the message contents and not to exceed 200 characters

META Keywords: not exceed 20 words

Am I on the right track with this or am I missing some SEO logic?

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago
If someone wants to have some fun, here's a starting point of where to improve the META information. :)

File: /pages/pages.ascx.cs

Method: 'private void AddMetaData([NotNull] object firstMessage)'

Line: 891

This is where an improvement could be done as outlined in previous post.

Additionally, at Line 911 '// Use Topic Description if set' that whole thing should be removed. The 'Description' field is never going to be sufficient for SEO purposes. It should be ignored.

If the content is too long then its not efficient for the robots.

If it's too short its not useful.

I don't believe repeating the topic title in the description provides any benefit.

  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
10 years ago

After a little reading up on SEO and META recommendations, I think the following tweaks would benefit YAF users.

META Title: only the topic title and not exceeding 80 characters

META Description: only the message contents and not to exceed 200 characters

META Keywords: not exceed 20 words

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

The first two requirements above are meant when the author creates the subject heading. and the first sentence of the post. What the YAF Developers should do. is let us put our Google and Bing JavaScript Analytics tracking code for our domain in the Admin section of YAF. And place a label box on every post a user create for keywords.


I want to know where they coming from, I want to know the type of browser they using. I want to know what's there default languages is, I want to know how long they were on the site, I want to know if they are new or returning visitor's. All I can do now is to put the Analytics code in the default.aspx landing page.

Simple request let us put the Analytics codes in the YAF web app. I've been asking for this for years. In some ways YAF developers are smart. In other ways they are not so smart. Maybe the person that just took over will actually listen to us and implement what we asking for all these years.

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago
I have that information via Google Analytics. I put the code in my site.master and have been collecting that data for years now. That really isn't what this topic is about though.

After testing my site out numerous times, I have found the META tags are not helpful.

YAF is developed by people donating their time. I won't speak down upon them or their smarts. I for one am extremely grateful of their time and effort, as you are too I am sure.

What I have suggested for META tag content does not look complicated at all. But it looks to be like LINQ, a technology I am ignorant on. I'm going to try learning it and if others feel this change needs to be done, I will. Otherwise, I'll have to change software. I can't keep putting all this time into a website that appears to have poor useless META information.

  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
10 years ago
I thought someone got paid. Like the lead developer. So are you saying this is an web app that was put together by volunteers?

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
10 years ago

I thought someone got paid. Like the lead developer. So are you saying this is an web app that was put together by volunteers?

Originally Posted by: Gofer01 

YAF previously offered a commercial release which probably pulled in some money. I donated money once, so I know there was a donation option available.

What I am getting at by saying they are donating their time is that this isn't Microsoft or something where it's their full time job and primary source of income. Do they make money? Possibly, but its probably pennies per hour.

YAF is open source and anyone can contribute to its further development. Lets say others agree with the META tag content suggestions I made and i go and make the changes. Ingo can then merge that with the "master" and then its part of YAF.

First though, I have to figure out LINQ before I go and break YAF for everyone 😛

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

Am I on the right track with this or am I missing some SEO logic?

Sounds right, can you please report that issue in the gitub issue tracker


So this can be properly fixed in 2.2.0.

Simple request let us put the Analytics codes in the YAF web app. I've been asking for this for years. In some ways YAF developers are smart. In other ways they are not so smart. Maybe the person that just took over will actually listen to us and implement what we asking for all these years.

Same answer here fill up a new issue report and it wont be forgotten. Personally i think adding it manually to aspx page is the better solution, because not every one uses google for tracking visitors.

That would mean we have to build a solution for each product that is out there. that can take a lot of time. Also what about options to allow some Roles/users/ip addresses to be excluded from the tracking.

  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
10 years ago

Same answer here fill up a new issue report and it wont be forgotten. Personally i think adding it manually to aspx page is the better solution, because not every one uses google for tracking visitors.

That would mean we have to build a solution for each product that is out there. that can take a lot of time. Also what about options to allow some Roles/users/ip addresses to be excluded from the tracking.

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

You are correct not everyone uses Google Analytics. What is it. I believed I read 70% of all users use Google Analytics to track their website actives. I personally use Google Analytics and SmarterStats, the free version.

Sense the high percentage of people that uses Google Analytics, Should YAF developers consider embedding Google into YAF. Several months ago. I did a Google search on my nick. Several forum post came back. Forums like ASP.NET, Snitz Forum, Channel 9, MSDN. Stackoverflo.com, Facebook, Twitter, etc. was in the search results for my nick. Not one post from YAF was in the Google search results for my nick. What really surprise me was post from Snitz Forum a classic ASP web app was in the list. Last time the author updated that program was in the year of 2000.

Adwords and AdSense only uses Google Analytics