  • lpinho
  • 57.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago
Hi all,

I already saw a several questions related to the integration of Sharepoint 2007 with YAF, but not much answers.

The posts all share a similar problem, how can we get a single sign on, or, more precisely, if it is possible to use QShare credentials to "authenticate" a user in YAF.

There's a web part called "Web Capture Web Part", basically it looks like a frame inside a QShare page and this is for me, the ideal way of using YAF inside our intranet.

If I ask users to create a new login in here they will not collaborate much in the forums because that will have to memorize one more password or use the same from the network (usually they feel insecure about this and don't like this very much).

I'm not asking to do a new web part to use with Sharepoint, but I would like your advice of:

- Is it possible to integrate these applications?

- What's the best to achieve this integration?

- Is it possible to make YAF think the user already passed the login page? (emulate the login without the password using windows credentials)

- Will the new "membership provider model" help in any way? How?

Well, I hope you can help me on this.

Best Regards,

Luís Miguel Pinho

  • Sense
  • 64.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling
16 years ago
thats an good question, it's interesting me too.
  • lpinho
  • 57.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago
Nobody can help us?

4 questions:

- Is it possible to integrate these applications?

- What's the best to achieve this integration?

- Is it possible to make YAF think the user already passed the login page? (emulate the login without the password using windows credentials)

- Will the new "membership provider model" help in any way? How?


16 years ago

Nobody can help us?

4 questions:

- Is it possible to integrate these applications?

- What's the best to achieve this integration?

- Is it possible to make YAF think the user already passed the login page? (emulate the login without the password using windows credentials)

- Will the new "membership provider model" help in any way? How?


lpinho wrote:

Is it possible - anything is possible, the question you really need answering is "...do YOU have the time available to recode YAF security to merge into SS (Sharepoint Server)?". I've thought about doing this myself several times, however, I do not have the development time "spare". So I'm waiting for a SS client site to pay me for the work!! :shock:

What the best [way] to acheive this intergration? Well, unless you can mind-meld with Jaben, Ederon, Mek and gaggle of other people (but not me! no C# skills here bubba!) who work on this project, the best way is to dive into the code and study the process flow. After awhile, you should start to see where YAF needs modifying to intergrate with SS.

Is it possible [to use another authentication source]? Yes! Search this forum for "YAF BLEND", there's a guy who did wonderous work on getting ASP.NET sites to use YAF as a pseudo-module. But this is for ASP.NET sites, not SS!!!

Will the new "membership provider model" help in any way? I've been running v1.9.2, an ALPHA release of YAF that uses the ASPNETDB authentication model. Getting this version of YAF to talk to ASP.NET sites is far easier than previous versions. I know the YAF team are working on making YAF intergrate easier with other authentication sources. You'd really have to post a "...what's gonna happen in the future..." question.

Non of this will give you the answers you really want, but hopefully it will point you in the right direction.

I've always viewed customising YAF as "my second wife". Lots of fun, and when your tired you can shut it off! But definately fun!!:twisted: The trick is learning just enough to get what you want! :twisted: :twisted:


.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

  • lpinho
  • 57.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago

thanks for the reply.

I see that there are some people with a great knowledge of this yetanotherforum.net :)

What I did to blend this with sharepoint was:

Created a web part page and added one single web part "Web Capture Web Part".

Using a IIS web server (it can be the same one used for sharepoint) I "installed" YetAnotherForum and disabled anonymous access in IIS, then I added the following lines to web.config:

The YetAnotherForum is so smart that it registers the users automatically if they don't exist in the DB :)

My next step is to change the DB class that stores the information of the user and add the following behavior:

- Find user that is being added on the Active Directory - Directory Search, easy!!

- Fetch the information that is missing (like e-mail, office location, etc)

- Feed this information into the insert user procedure

It's not full integration, but for my purposes it works, at least for now, until you, or another great developer creates a YetAnotherForum web part :)

Thanks for the support

  • grombox
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago


thanks for the reply.

I see that there are some people with a great knowledge of this yetanotherforum.net :)

What I did to blend this with sharepoint was:

Created a web part page and added one single web part "Web Capture Web Part".

Using a IIS web server (it can be the same one used for sharepoint) I "installed" YetAnotherForum and disabled anonymous access in IIS, then I added the following lines to web.config:

The YetAnotherForum is so smart that it registers the users automatically if they don't exist in the DB :)

My next step is to change the DB class that stores the information of the user and add the following behavior:

- Find user that is being added on the Active Directory - Directory Search, easy!!

- Fetch the information that is missing (like e-mail, office location, etc)

- Feed this information into the insert user procedure

It's not full integration, but for my purposes it works, at least for now, until you, or another great developer creates a YetAnotherForum web part :)

Thanks for the support

lpinho wrote:

Hi, try repeat you answer without Webpart .... users do not registers automatically if they dont't exist in DB 😞 when they login in first time on Forum.

1. disabled anonymous access in IIS

2. web.config: and try jast



How you can do registers automatically if usery dont't exist in DB ?

User can injoy Forum when Register him self and type username as Domin\Username


  • voland
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

How you can do registers automatically if usery dont't exist in DB ?

User can injoy Forum when Register him self and type username as Domin\Username

grombox wrote:

I've the same problem - what need to do to enable autoregistration of domain users?

Thank you!