  • Gofer01
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
10 years ago
3 days ago I found out YAF DNN module didn't support a azure database. So I formatted the azure disk space and re-installed DNN 7.02 using a commercial 200MB MS SQL 2012 database from WinHost.

I added the


  • YAF DNN 2.0 Module
  • Modified the web.config file with 3 entries
  • Added a new page
  • Place the YAF module on this page.
  • [/list]

    When I went to the new page the install process stated and finished without any errors. After the install process finished I went to the page and recieved this error{look at the screenshot}. Any ideas on how to resolved this error?
