  • popsovy
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
I created a new "ASP.NET Web Site (Razor)" in VS 2010. Some setup took place and now I have tables webpages_Membership, webpages_Roles and webpages_UsersInRole in my SQL Database. All worked fine -- in the web site, methods such as WebSecurity.UserExists worked. I assume this is using SimpleMembershipProvider.

Then, I decided to integrate yetanotherforum forums into my website. When I followed the directions on how to integrate yetanotherforum into an existing web site, there were two choices for providers, YafMembershipProvider and AspNetSqlMembershipProvider. I defaulted the provider to AspNetSqlMembershipProvider.

Now, I have a conflict -- if enableSimpleMembership is set to True, my existing code works, but forums don't work; otherwise, forum work, but my existing code doesn't. It appears I need to standardize on one provider...

Ideally I would like to have one set of membership tables. Does it mean that using AspNetSqlMembershipProvider is my only option? Also, can you please comment on what's the best way to integrate YAF with the existing membership data. Could I make it so my membership tables are in my "main" database, and then the forums database is separate but it uses the membership tables from my main database?


  • popsovy
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
Looking into this further, I am going to stay with the SimpleMembershipProvider.

So, the question is how to make Yaf work with SimpleMembershipProvider, the one that comes from MVC?


  • jpweber
  • 94.4% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander
11 years ago
Hello. This seems more like a question suited best for the asp.net community, imo. You might want to post this question in Stack Exchange  and include "razor", "databases" and "asp.net" in your tags at the bottom of the question. But you might want to truncate the question and make it as clear as possible; use bold when necessary, etc. ...
Jason Weber

USS Vision YAF 

"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons"

  • paulc
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
11 years ago

did you ever manage to resolve this. I am looking into this now and would like to know if there is a way to get yaf membership to work with mvc 4.5 AccountController using simpleMembershipProvider.

I am also interested in how you managed to render the YAF control inside a razor view.

