  • cmargell
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
I'm getting an error accessing the admin pages once I've migrated the database to Azure. Doing a search it looks like there was some discussion of similar issues a few years back but nothing immediately relevant. Azure doesn't have support for sysfiles. Is there some way that I can disable that check without having to crack open the code and do so manually?

Below is the relevant portion of the stack trace:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() +220

YAF.Classes.Data.MsSqlDbAccess.ExecuteScalar(IDbCommand cmd, Boolean transaction) +304

YAF.Classes.Data.LegacyDb.get_DBSize() +138

YAF.Pages.Admin.admin.BindData() +1386

YAF.Pages.Admin.admin.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +360

If I do go in to fix it I'm just going to add error handling inside of the get_DBSize method but I thought I'd check here before I do so.



  • cmargell
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
Ok, I'm really a little more impatient than is healthy sometimes. Inside of admin.ascx.cs, line 396 (YAF-v1.9.5.5-RTW-SRC):



this.DBSize.Text = "{0} MB".FormatWith(LegacyDb.DBSize);


catch (SqlException ex)


this.DBSize.Text = "Unable to fetch DB Size";
