  • rlrhett
  • 53% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
I would like to set up a YAF to support the users of my website. At this stage, I don't care that website members be automatically enrolled as forum members, nor do I need to integrate account registration. I also do not intend to host the forum on the same server as my website.

However, I would like to limit forum users to just registered users of my site. What I would like is that when a forum user attempts to create a forum account a table on my SQL server (different from the YAF server) is checked to see if e-mail exists. If so, registration continues normally. If not, registration is canceled.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I looked in the documentation and searched this forum, but all discussion seem to center around integrating user management as opposed to simply doing a validation check.


Randolph Rhett

MyTimeFinder, the first

Intelligent Online Time Management Software 
