  • exp
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
Hw to integrate both YetAnotherforum & Blogengine with Same login Details(same username and Password

I have a main page

In the main page one link for YetAnotherforum and other for Blogengine.net

If user subscribe to YetAnotherforum he should auto subscribe to Blogengine.net

(Means same login username and Passwords for both )

I have converted the Blogengine.net to sql server.

And waiting without knowing how to proceed :cry:

Anyone Pllllllzzzzzzzzz help me !!!!!!!!

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
You use the same .NET membership provider. In my case, I made BlogEngine use the YAF membership and role provider -- it works perfectly so far.

Basically, look in your YAF membership and role provider settings... use the same settings in your blogEngine web.config.

  • exp
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
first of all Thank you:)

I cant understand membership/ roles ?

I don't have a good knowledge in this.

Can u show how to do it with more details

(If u can plz attach files)

Thank you very much

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
Honestly, this is out of the scope of support we provide here... but here is an example web.config for BlogEngine only... basically, using YAF providers in BlogEngine. This is not a web config that includes support for YAF specific settings.
14 years ago
Hi Jaben

Do you have BE working for multiple blogs or just for the default single blog. I am looking at changing away from SubText because it won't support the ASP Membership Framework. One of the great things you guys did with YAF is integrate with the ASP Membership framework. But finding a multiblog provider who does this is almost impossible.

I am looking at AtomSite too, but it is not all that mature yet and while ASP Membership integration is in their plan, they haven't been able to do it yet. Alas this open source stuff just doesn't pay all that well.



14 years ago
Hi Jaben

Never mind. I looked at your web.config and it looks like you are not using multi-blog. As to the original poster on this thread, what about Sueetie? Those fellows have already done the integration stuff in most cases.

