  • rwang
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
15 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to install YAF193 to Dnn494. I'm looking at this Install.txt. I found there is no file called dnn.config or dnnyafnet.config in the installation.

I used install YAF191 successfully, and I know I can find the two files I mentioned above in the package.

So which documentation I can follow to get this YAF193 Installed to DNN? Thank for any help. Cheers

(1) Upload the PA as Host

(2) Edit the web.config file in your DotNetNuke directory to add the required definitions for YAF. Take a look at dnn.config to see the changes.

Add this to ConfigSections:

And add this right after ConfigSections:

(3) Copy the dnnyafnet.config file to the root of your DNN installation.

(4) Edit the dnnyafnet.config file and change the "connstr" settings to the correct values for your database.

14 years ago
I have this same issue. The DNN installation documentation is completly bogus. I've been looking for correct installation instructions as well. Did you find any?
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
I agree.

I'll fix that documentation -- frankly, it was just an oversight not updating it.

14 years ago

I agree.

I'll fix that documentation -- frankly, it was just an oversight not updating it.

Jaben wrote:

Thank you Jaben, I look forward to the updated documentation.