  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
15 years ago

Talk of embeding related topics are on the forum here, but I can't find how to embed my forum in my webpage.

I am new to the website thing and know little about coding. My website is www.ddscart.org. I also own www.ddscart.com which forwards to .org.

I wanted to forward .org to .org/forum, but I have not been able to. I have decided to embed my forum in the web page at .org. That way as I learn more I can do other things. Working inside the forum is a hard for me with my present knowledge. However I can’t make the forum come up in my web page. I have been told to use the "embed tag", it don't work and I understand it is not a real tag?

So the question is; how do I embed the forum in this code? This code is not on my site right now, but will be when I can embed the forum. I used frames so the page would be sizable to the window size. I assume the forum would need to be in a frame as well.


the forum version is; 1.9.1

The code: ****************************

Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

************************MY FORUM EMBEDED HERE **************************


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

15 years ago
what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this. Is this going to be loaded on a completly different domain, otherwise i think you are getting confused with the embed tag.

If this is just going on your site itself that the forum is hosted on then you need to use it on a aspx file, look at your default.aspx file and you can see the server side code that needs to run to execute the forum.

If you are just trying to make the forum pop up when people go to the www.ddscart.org instead of a click redirect like your site is right now then all you have to do is move some files in folders around to your root directory. Just dont put it into a iframe otherwise you will not get Searched by Google or any other Search provider.

Just explain your situation a little better like what you are trying to accomplish. So i can try give you a little bit more detailed help.

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
15 years ago

If you are just trying to make the forum pop up when people go to the www.ddscart.org instead of a click redirect like your site is right now then all you have to do is move some files in folders around to your root directory. Just dont put it into a iframe otherwise you will not get Searched by Google or any other Search provider.

stewartlab wrote:

This is what I'm trying to do! As I could not make that happen, I thought I would have to embed the forum in a web page, which I can't do either.

What file moving will I have to do?



Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • DJGray
  • 88.8% (Honored)
  • YAF Commander
15 years ago

I'm not clear what it is you're trying to do either. I looked at your site, and it looks fine. What are you trying to do that isn't happening right now?

15 years ago

If you are just trying to make the forum pop up when people go to the www.ddscart.org instead of a click redirect like your site is right now then all you have to do is move some files in folders around to your root directory. Just dont put it into a iframe otherwise you will not get Searched by Google or any other Search provider.

ddscart wrote:

This is what I'm trying to do! As I could not make that happen, I thought I would have to embed the forum in a web page, which I can't do either.

What file moving will I have to do?


stewartlab wrote:

Ok if you want to get this working right now you can use this script as your main html file in your root directory. This will redirect everyone automatically

<title>Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://www.ddscart.org/ddscartForum/default.aspx">
<meta name="keywords" content="automatic redirection">
Then just edit the default.aspx to your own design by adding frames or tables or divs whatever you want. I just know this forum is very hard to code css too since it uses several CSS files put together to make up the forum itslef. and is not XHTML compliant.

Otherwise i believe you can move the entire forum folder itself into the root directory but you might have to change some config files to get the DB interaction to work correctly. I am using 1.9.3 so i know the config files are not the same so i cannot give you a step by step.

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
15 years ago
The code “stewatlab” gave above did the job. Now when someone goes to www.ddscart.org, they get my forum and not a “click here” note. The same works if you go to www.ddscart.com!

I went to seven forums that do HTML and got disrespect, porn and the idea that I had to embed the forum in my website code.

Thank you “stewatlab”!


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia