16 years ago
I've been trying to figure this out for a few hours now i cant figure out why my banner wont come up 😕 any suggestions and also i cant figure out how to center the forum and not let it stretch the whole screen.


<3 if you can help me

16 years ago

Had a look. The image has a path of...

http://darkproph3cy.com/yetanotherforum/themes/midnightriot/forum_banner.jpg width="400" height="50"

Are you sure it's actually there?

Don_Thrash strikes again!!!!!


.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
haha thank you for the reply ill look into that but another problem just came up...for some reason when i change the background to black it messes with the other colors 😕 oh and any hints how to center it?
16 years ago

OK...now I think your having a local CACHE problem. Make sure you clear you CACHE after EVERY CHANGE, make page requests "forced" (hold and click refesh, forces server to resend the page with latest changes!).

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
ah that didn't work for me i just deleted midnightriot and reenter'd it into the themes folderim using

HTML, BODY { background-color: Black }

to change the background from white to black is this wrong? it was working earlier 😕

16 years ago

Have you tried a full cache dump? Even better, another machine?

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago

tell me what you see lol is it black background gray and white?

16 years ago

Black background..gray and white topic bars.

Theme is being pulled from...

<link href="/yetanotherforum/themes/midnightriot/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

In Firefox, the site is loading very fast.

Looking the the CSS file....you have some odd color combinations...but they look correctly formatted.

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
eh i give up on midnightriot went back to darkestnight =P

okay back to the original problem how do i fix the banner and center it? lol

16 years ago
Add a tag to the CSS file...

#imgBanner {

Still can't see the image...you sure you have uploaded it?

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
yea i uploaded it...maybe in the wrong place and also just put the code anywhere in the .css?
16 years ago

anywhere! CSS is not picky!! :-P

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
SoAB when i put that code in it changed some of the colors again 😕
16 years ago

try this...

in the root...I'm seeing a "forum.css" file.

Rename it to forum.css.old

.....the man in black fled across the desert..........and the gunslinger followed.....

16 years ago
done nothing changed.
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