6 years ago
Added a page to the forum for news.

Conclusion with IPB: (good)

 Sn8_gTEdSJqNWRWVKydwFQ.png You have insufficient rights to see the content.

Conclusion with YAF: (bad)

 tR4D1jE2TzeQKrj4th2P8Q.png You have insufficient rights to see the content.


Added to YAF/pages/forum.ascx for the test

<%@ Register TagPrefix="YAF" TagName="News" Src="../controls/News.ascx" %>
<YAF:News ID="News" runat="server"/>
6 years ago
The problem remains unresolved. On the main page of the forum you need to bring news (RSS) from the topic with news. But for some reason we get an error using the RCC from our YAF Forum. With the rest of the streams, for example with the IPB/IPS everything is fine.
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
6 years ago

The problem remains unresolved. On the main page of the forum you need to bring news (RSS) from the topic with news. But for some reason we get an error using the RCC from our YAF Forum. With the rest of the streams, for example with the IPB/IPS everything is fine.

Originally Posted by: GendrixonEvgeny 

Sorry but we can not help you with custom code

<YAF:News ID="News" runat="server"/>

that part of code is not part of YAF. And you don't post here any code to help you. Instead of using code you could try to use widgets instead for example


6 years ago

The problem remains unresolved. On the main page of the forum you need to bring news (RSS) from the topic with news. But for some reason we get an error using the RCC from our YAF Forum. With the rest of the streams, for example with the IPB/IPS everything is fine.

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

Sorry but we can not help you with custom code

<YAF:News ID="News" runat="server"/>

that part of code is not part of YAF. And you don't post here any code to help you. Instead of using code you could try to use widgets instead for example


Originally Posted by: GendrixonEvgeny 

Good evening. I would not like to use extraneous widgets ... Is there an opportunity for the forum to display news from this topic on a kastum? In the first message, I published a link to the code that works and was successfully added to the forum. But unfortunately it does not work with the threads of the YAF forum itself.

It is necessary to understand for what reasons we receive an error using a link of the form: http :// www .yetanotherforum. net/forum/rsstopic/ft0-forum-rss?pg=3

If we use a link like: https ://lenta. ru/rss/news that all works flawlessly.

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
6 years ago
I tested the the code from Codeproject and the forum link works without problems

 rss.PNG You have insufficient rights to see the content.

You have not provided what that control

<YAF:News ID="News" runat="server"/>

actually does, or any code

6 years ago

I tested the the code from Codeproject and the forum link works without problems

 rss.PNG You have insufficient rights to see the content.

You have not provided what that control

<YAF:News ID="News" runat="server"/>

actually does, or any code

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

I'm sorry, it's working. In view of the fact that in this forum my IP address is regularly blocked - I received this error ...