11 years ago
Copyright Removal Key for Domain

Remove the copyright notice on a domain.

You may not hide or remove the "Powered by YAF.NET" copyright and backlink from your site unless you purchase a copyright removal license for your forum. The license is good for one domain E.g.: www.yetanotherforum.net. If you had a different forum at www2.anotherdomain.com, you need another domain license.


So the cost 50 dollars will be one time charge or is it recurring every month or every year.

Plz correct me

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
11 years ago
One time payment.
11 years ago

One time payment.

Originally Posted by: Jaben 

If i purchase a Copyright removal key for my domain.

What things will I get with it?

1. Footer copyrights can be removed and changed.

2. Can we remove this text from the url yaf_postst73...this text appended with every url yaf_postst73

Will buying a copyright removal key allow me to remove it?

please let me know soon :)


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
11 years ago

One time payment.

Originally Posted by: abhishekluv 

If i purchase a Copyright removal key for my domain.

What things will I get with it?

1. Footer copyrights can be removed and changed.

2. Can we remove this text from the url yaf_postst73...this text appended with every url yaf_postst73

Will buying a copyright removal key allow me to remove it?

please let me know soon :)


Originally Posted by: Jaben 

You can disable urlrewrite in the App.config, you dont Need the Copyright Removal Key for that.

11 years ago

One time payment.

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

If i purchase a Copyright removal key for my domain.

What things will I get with it?

1. Footer copyrights can be removed and changed.

2. Can we remove this text from the url yaf_postst73...this text appended with every url yaf_postst73

Will buying a copyright removal key allow me to remove it?

please let me know soon :)


Originally Posted by: abhishekluv 

You can disable urlrewrite in the App.config, you dont Need the Copyright Removal Key for that.

Originally Posted by: Jaben 

How can I change the default url prefix yaf_ to abstract_ ??

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
11 years ago
That can be changed from the urlrewriter.config
11 years ago

That can be changed from the urlrewriter.config

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

Mean I have to replace yaf with abstract


11 years ago
Thanks its done...I have changed the urlprefix frm yaf to caf..

Thanks for the help...also planning to buy a copy right removal key very soon..