  • Dimi
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF All-the-Time Topic Starter
13 years ago
Is there any FAQ about Ads? I'm sure many people were are still dealing with Ads on the forum. How are you doing that? Say, placing to the appropriate field on the forum to show it to all the thread readers, maybe making additional spaces around the forum, on the right side, below the forum? Are you able to implement a content dependent Ads? I know that the VS has a flexible control to work with Ads. Can we somehow use AdRotator on the Forum to control XML file with ads or even changing it on a daily basis? Can we make a separate Ads for each Forum Category, Sub-Forum, even Thread/Topic? I'm ready to summarize all that and publish it somewhere on the forum, but first I'd like to know who and what is currently using and what we all can use to make our Ads more efficient.

