  • karenb
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
I'm trying to install YAF for the first time and when I get to the step in the installation instructions that says to go to /install/default.aspx, I'm getting a web.config error that it can't find the URLRewriter.config. I double checked all the files that I downloaded from sourceforge and there is no URLRewriter.confg.

Where can I get this?

By the way, I'm using the "recommended-NET-web.config" renamed to web.config.

13 years ago
  • siconco
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
13 years ago
I'm having the same problem too.


I've extracted all the contents and also try to find it using windows explorer search feature but still no result.

Where shout it be? is it on another package?

Any help would be appreciated. Btw, yes I'm a newbie to this 🙂

13 years ago