  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
http://forum.webmoney.ru/Default.aspx?g=forum  is a forum of the most popular Russian payment system, Webmoney - "Russian PayPal".

Look at the version:

Powered by Yet Another Forum.net version 0.9.8 - 30.05.2004:cheesy:

14 years ago
http://forum.webmoney.ru/Default.aspx?g=forum  is a forum of the most popular Russian payment system, Webmoney - "Russian PayPal".

Look at the version:

Powered by Yet Another Forum.net version 0.9.8 - 30.05.2004:cheesy:

😂 Lets send them an invitation to upgrade

  • alenbec
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
http://mojapple.net  is my DNN news, tutorials & community portal about Apple stuff.
  • Ederon
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago

http://mojapple.net is my DNN news, tutorials & community portal about Apple stuff.

alenbec wrote:

Nice template

When I post FP:Ederon in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting.
  • alenbec
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
Thanks, designed it all by myself in 1 day 🙂
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago

Thanks, designed it all by myself in 1 day :)

alenbec wrote:

Clean and attractive. Very nice job. 😁

  • twr
  • 56% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper
14 years ago

Thanks Jaben. It's great software! Still working out the kinks. I've intergated it into my own community with blogs, a wall, friends, photo albums, etc. I hope to have it all up and running shortly.

14 years ago

A website for enthusiasts of the Toyota Yaris. Thanks for making such great software. The site is still being tweaked, but will go live shortly.

  • ruek23
  • 90.2% (Exalted)
  • YAF Lover
14 years ago

Had to setup a forum quickly for a few friends and in a week got 3500 posts and 60 members..We used to be part of another forum but some got banned for "Spamming & Insulting mods" basically we had a social thread which would get 400 posts a day and there was banter in there which they didn't want so kicked us off. Since the bangate scandal we are now setting off on a new adventure thanks to YAF

Thanks for the .NET opensource forum 🙂 I'm so happy with it and so is everyone else on there too.

I have a few customisations under way and a few complete..

  • rmathis
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
http://webcomic.net  Things are going well. People like it thus far, we converted from CommunityServer and the speed/performance is a welcome change.
  • BWG
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Lover
14 years ago
http://webcomic.net  Things are going well. People like it thus far, we converted from CommunityServer and the speed/performance is a welcome change.

I'm switching 7000+ users across from CS 2007 to YAF today. Good to see your site, and to read that performance is better than with CS. TBH I've found CS to be a resource hog and very difficult to customise.

  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
http://webcomic.net  Things are going well. People like it thus far, we converted from CommunityServer and the speed/performance is a welcome change.

Something's wrong with flags. Guests can see users ips and somehow guests are 'hidden'.

  • gavin
  • 60.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper
  • vagu
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago

Online catalog of electronics

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