Posted by: jstarner - Wednesday, 25 November 2009 01:46:40
I am wondering if anyone can tell me how to input my logo into the forums, i have searched and looked and cant find anything in the Admin settings to input a logo in the forums? Please help

Posted by: jstarner - Wednesday, 25 November 2009 13:25:26
[quote=jstarner]I am wondering if anyone can tell me how to input my logo into the forums, i have searched and looked and cant find anything in the Admin settings to input a logo in the forums? Please help[/quote] Or a Banner at the top i cant find any options under the Admin or anywhere else to modify the Banner/logo at the top of the Forums can anyhelp me please

Posted by: chriscoe71 - Wednesday, 25 November 2009 16:58:09
The default YAF logo is referenced in default.aspx You can swap this out for your own by altering the code. OR You can make your banner part of your theme and in Administration > Settings > Board Settings, check off the box that says "Allowed Themed Logo". The theme.xml file should have the following reference in order to pull the correct banner: [code] ~/forum_banner.jpg [/code]