Posted by: Tuju - Sunday, 27 July 2008 18:16:09
Hi everyone! :) I am looking for (free) smileys, preferably a set. I’ve been searching the net, but I haven’t found anything interesting yet. I need “clean”, cute, professional-looking ones. Does anyone know a cool smiley collection/set or a good smiley resource? Thanks in advance for every hint or tip! :) Michael Edit: I have just found [url=http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=cats&cat_id=2&sort=ranking]the Adium Smiley Set Collection[/url], where I found what I had been looking for. :) But I am happy about every other hint too.

Posted by: test2005 - Saturday, 9 August 2008 02:41:23
I always thought the default smiley pack with YAF was "...clean, cute and professional, all at the same time!..." :P