Posted by: BWG - Wednesday, 26 June 2024 17:09:03
Hi, I thought that by modifying yafsrc\YAF.Web\Editors\SCEditor.cs it would be possible to add a table button to the WYSIWYG editor. I simply added table to this line of code and recompiled. However, the table button doesn't appear. [code=csharp]​  var toolbar =      $"table|bold,italic,underline,strike|font,size,color|mark|email,link,unlink,quote,code|image{albums}{attachments}|bulletlist,orderedlist|left,center,right|indent,outdent|cut,copy,pastetext,removeformat|undo,redo|youtube,vimeo,instagram,facebook,media|extensions|source";[/code] I'm guessing further changes are needed. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks BWG

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 29 June 2024 03:44:40
Currently the editor does not include the table functions. I updated the editor it now includes the table dialog. Which will be updated in YAF 3.2.6. You can directly get the updated js files from the source repository.