Posted by: BWG - Monday, 24 June 2024 19:07:36
Hi, When running Grunt from a DOS prompt in the source directory (in my case \inetpub\wwwroot\YAFNET_3.2.5_source\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET) I'm getting the following error: Running "sass:installWizard" (sass) taskError: [code=markup]Undefined variable: "$card-cap-bg".   on line 19 of Content/bootstrap/_card.scss   from line 29 of Content/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss   from line 1 of Content/InstallWizard.scss  Use --trace for backtrace.Warning: Exited with error code 13 Use --force to continue.[/code] The only .scss file I've made any changes to is YAFNET_3.2.5_source\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\Content\bootstrap\_variables.scss Any ideas what the problem is? Edit: This also occurs if I run grunt from within Visual Studio. BWG

Posted by: tha_watcha - Wednesday, 26 June 2024 08:10:19
Does it compile without the modifications you made?

Posted by: BWG - Wednesday, 26 June 2024 09:36:10
[quote=tha_watcha;74187]Does it compile without the modifications you made?[/quote] I overwrote the  _variables.scss with the one in the sourcecode package and then reapplied my changes. It now works, so clearly the error was on my side, although I couldn't see what the problem was. (I can now run grunt tasks within VS too)