Posted by: GendrixonEvgeny - Friday, 10 November 2017 16:34:34
A maximum of 15 characters and "..." How? prntscr . com/h8qi7t

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 11 November 2017 17:22:20
[quote=GendrixonEvgeny;70802]A maximum of 15 characters and "..." How? prntscr . com/h8qi7t[/quote] For that you would need to modify the file ..\controls\ForumActiveDiscussion.ascx.cs and change line.. [code=csharp]var topicSubject = this.Get().Replace(this.HtmlEncode(currentRow["Topic"]));[/code] to [code=csharp]var topicSubject = this.Get().Replace(this.HtmlEncode(currentRow["Topic"])).Truncate(15);[/code]

Posted by: GendrixonEvgeny - Saturday, 11 November 2017 18:15:54
[quote=tha_watcha;70804][quote=GendrixonEvgeny;70802]A maximum of 15 characters and "..." How? prntscr . com/h8qi7t[/quote] For that you would need to modify the file ..\controls\ForumActiveDiscussion.ascx.cs and change line.. [code=csharp]var topicSubject = this.Get().Replace(this.HtmlEncode(currentRow["Topic"]));[/code] to [code=csharp]var topicSubject = this.Get().Replace(this.HtmlEncode(currentRow["Topic"])).Truncate(15);[/code] [/quote] Excellent, it works). Thank you so much!