Posted by: tommyboy10 - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 17:39:49
I have been very tenacious and I have worked through all of my .sln issues and then I figured out how to integrate with Sitecore ... I am still working towards integration with Sitecore. my issue now is SQL.This is the following error I am receiving: FILE: mssql/procedures.sql ERROR: Ambiguous column name 'Description'. STATEMENT: create procedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread](@BoardID int,@UserID int,@CategoryID int=null,@ParentID int=null) as begin Note; this is not happening in the Standalone product. what can I do? Thank you in advance for any assitance. Regards,

Posted by: bbobb - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 18:31:17
Post the sp text. You should add alias for Description column explicitely in a place.

Posted by: tommyboy10 - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 18:38:14
thank you for the quick response Bbobb, I am afraid I am not following: here is the error I received, perhaps you could clarify what needs to be done here. thank you in advance, as you are the first person to ever respond to me on this forum. Source Error: Line 537: Line 538: Line 539: DB.system_initialize_executescripts(script,scriptFile, useTransactions); Line 540: Line 541: } Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MEAU_YAF\Website\yaf\install\default.aspx.cs Line: 539 Stack Trace: [Exception: FILE: mssql/procedures.sql ERROR: Ambiguous column name 'Description'. STATEMENT: create procedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread](@BoardID int,@UserID int,@CategoryID int=null,@ParentID int=null) as begin select a.CategoryID, Category = a.Name, ForumID = b.ForumID, Forum = b.Name, Description, Topics = [dbo].[yaf_forum_topics](b.ForumID), Posts = [dbo].[yaf_forum_posts](b.ForumID), Subforums = [dbo].[yaf_forum_subforums](b.ForumID, @UserID), LastPosted = t.LastPosted, LastMessageID = t.LastMessageID, LastUserID = t.LastUserID, LastUser = IsNull(t.LastUserName,(select Name from [dbo].[yaf_User] x where x.UserID=t.LastUserID)), LastTopicID = t.TopicID, LastTopicName = t.Topic, b.Flags, Viewing = (select count(1) from [dbo].[yaf_Active] x JOIN [dbo].[yaf_User] usr ON x.UserID = usr.UserID where x.ForumID=b.ForumID AND usr.IsActiveExcluded = 0), b.RemoteURL, x.ReadAccess from [dbo].[yaf_Category] a join [dbo].[yaf_Forum] b on b.CategoryID=a.CategoryID join [dbo].[yaf_vaccess] x on x.ForumID=b.ForumID left outer join [dbo].[yaf_Topic] t ON t.TopicID = [dbo].[yaf_forum_lasttopic](b.ForumID,@UserID,b.LastTopicID,b.LastPosted) where a.BoardID = @BoardID and ((b.Flags & 2)=0 or x.ReadAccess<>0) and (@CategoryID is null or a.CategoryID=@CategoryID) and ((@ParentID is null and b.ParentID is null) or b.ParentID=@ParentID) and x.UserID = @UserID order by a.SortOrder, b.SortOrder end]

Posted by: bbobb - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 18:42:20
[quote=tommyboy10;59571] create procedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread](@BoardID int,@UserID int,@CategoryID int=null,@ParentID int=null) as begin select a.CategoryID, Category = a.Name, ForumID = b.ForumID, Forum = b.Name, [color=red]b.Description,[/color] ... [/quote]

Posted by: tommyboy10 - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 19:03:23
Here is what I did in my SQL ... if you page down you will find "Description" ... it originally was originally b.[Description], I changed it to b.Description .... I did a Drop and Create in SQL, but the error is still present. and once again this is only happening in Sitecore, not Stand alone. Thank you for all of your assistance. Regards, Paul T. Rykiel, PMP, CSM USE [YAF_DB] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread] Script Date: 05/28/2013 11:53:33 ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[yaf_forum_listread]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread] GO USE [YAF_DB] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread] Script Date: 05/28/2013 11:53:33 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create procedure [dbo].[yaf_forum_listread](@BoardID int,@UserID int,@CategoryID int=null,@ParentID int=null, @StyledNicks bit=null, @FindLastRead bit = 0) as begin declare @tbl1 table ( ForumID int, ParentID int) declare @tbl table ( ForumID int, ParentID int) -- get parent forums list first insert into @tbl1(ForumID,ParentID) select b.ForumID, b.ParentID from [dbo].[yaf_Category] a with(nolock) join [dbo].[yaf_Forum] b with(nolock) on b.CategoryID=a.CategoryID join [dbo].[yaf_ActiveAccess] x with(nolock) on x.ForumID=b.ForumID where a.BoardID = @BoardID and ((b.Flags & 2)=0 or x.ReadAccess<>0) and (@CategoryID is null or a.CategoryID=@CategoryID) and ((@ParentID is null and b.ParentID is null) or b.ParentID=@ParentID) and x.UserID = @UserID order by a.SortOrder, b.SortOrder -- child forums insert into @tbl(ForumID,ParentID) select b.ForumID, b.ParentID from [dbo].[yaf_Category] a with(nolock) join [dbo].[yaf_Forum] b with(nolock) on b.CategoryID=a.CategoryID join [dbo].[yaf_ActiveAccess] x with(nolock) on x.ForumID=b.ForumID where a.BoardID = @BoardID and ((b.Flags & 2)=0 or x.ReadAccess<>0) and (@CategoryID is null or a.CategoryID=@CategoryID) and (b.ParentID IN (SELECT ForumID FROM @tbl1)) and x.UserID = @UserID order by a.SortOrder, b.SortOrder insert into @tbl(ForumID,ParentID) select * FROM @tbl1 -- more childrens can be added to display as a tree select a.CategoryID, Category = a.Name, ForumID = b.ForumID, Forum = b.Name, b.Description, b.ImageUrl, b.Styles, b.ParentID, b.PollGroupID, Topics = [dbo].[yaf_forum_topics](b.ForumID), Posts = [dbo].[yaf_forum_posts](b.ForumID), LastPosted = t.LastPosted, LastMessageID = t.LastMessageID, LastMessageFlags = t.LastMessageFlags, LastUserID = t.LastUserID, LastUser = IsNull(t.LastUserName,(select [Name] from [dbo].[yaf_User] x with(nolock) where x.UserID=t.LastUserID)), LastTopicID = t.TopicID, TopicMovedID = t.TopicMovedID, LastTopicName = t.Topic, LastTopicStatus = t.Status, LastTopicStyles = t.Styles, b.Flags, Viewing = (select count(1) from [dbo].[yaf_Active] x with(nolock) JOIN [dbo].[yaf_User] usr with(nolock) ON x.UserID = usr.UserID where x.ForumID=b.ForumID AND usr.IsActiveExcluded = 0), b.RemoteURL, ReadAccess = CONVERT(int,x.ReadAccess), Style = case(@StyledNicks) when 1 then (select top 1 usr.[UserStyle] from [dbo].[yaf_User] usr with(nolock) where usr.UserID = t.LastUserID) else '' end, LastForumAccess = case(@FindLastRead) when 1 then (SELECT top 1 LastAccessDate FROM [dbo].[yaf_ForumReadTracking] x with(nolock) WHERE x.ForumID=b.ForumID AND x.UserID = @UserID) else '' end, LastTopicAccess = case(@FindLastRead) when 1 then (SELECT top 1 LastAccessDate FROM [dbo].[yaf_TopicReadTracking] y with(nolock) WHERE y.TopicID=t.TopicID AND y.UserID = @UserID) else '' end from [dbo].[yaf_Category] a with(nolock) join [dbo].[yaf_Forum] b with(nolock) on b.CategoryID=a.CategoryID join [dbo].[yaf_ActiveAccess] x with(nolock) on x.ForumID=b.ForumID left outer join [dbo].[yaf_Topic] t with(nolock) ON t.TopicID = [dbo].[yaf_forum_lasttopic](b.ForumID,@UserID,b.LastTopicID,b.LastPosted) where (@CategoryID is null or a.CategoryID=@CategoryID) and x.UserID = @UserID and (b.ForumID IN (SELECT ForumID FROM @tbl) ) order by a.SortOrder, b.SortOrder end GO

Posted by: tommyboy10 - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 20:29:19
this is now corrected ... the SQL table was in the Installation MSSQL/procedures.sql I modified the code procedures.sql and it ran. Thank you for all of your assistance. Regards,