but Forum column will only grow to about 50%, and LastPost column won't get any smaller than it is. suggestions?
Posted by: RichP714 - Sunday, 26 February 2012 23:45:19
I'm switching to a three column layout, and want to change the width of the 'Last Post' column of ForumCategoryList. As it is, when the whole object is squeezed into a center column there's too much wasted space, so I want to make that column more narrow. I've tried adding

Posted by: tha_watcha - Monday, 27 February 2012 01:38:02
Take a look at the Links in the LastPost column there are two long, thats why this column didnt get smaller. You could try to make the links smaller or add word-breaking. Try to add this to your theme.... [code=css] .yafnet .lastPostCol { word-wrap: break-word; width: 5%; } [/code]

Posted by: RichP714 - Monday, 27 February 2012 02:08:03
that didn't change anything; thanks for the idea though ;)

Posted by: RichP714 - Monday, 27 February 2012 03:05:46
[quote=tha_watcha;53466]Take a look at the Links in the LastPost column there are two long, thats why this column didnt get smaller. You could try to make the links smaller or add word-breaking. Try to add this to your theme.... [code=css] .yafnet .lastPostCol { word-wrap: break-word; width: 5%; } [/code][/quote] That didn't change the column width of the forum list, but it DID change the last column width of the topic view....weird

Posted by: RichP714 - Monday, 27 February 2012 09:09:18
I can address the column header with .yafnet tr.forumRowTitle th.headerLastPost but can only change the TH color, etc; I think I need to be able to add the break-word thing to the contents of the table, not the TH? If so, is this possible?

Posted by: tha_watcha - Monday, 27 February 2012 12:48:25
Try this... [code=css].yafnet .headerLastPost, .yafnet .lastPostCol { word-wrap: break-word; width: 5%; }[/code] It worked on my site with my theme

Posted by: RichP714 - Monday, 27 February 2012 18:19:43
[quote=tha_watcha;53475]Try this... [code=css].yafnet .headerLastPost, .yafnet .lastPostCol { word-wrap: break-word; width: 5%; }[/code] It worked on my site with my theme[/quote] Thanks for looking into this; must be a problem on my end; your changes effect my default.aspx?g=topics display last column perfectly, but have no effect on default.aspx?g=forum display

Posted by: JP - Monday, 27 February 2012 18:32:59
Thanks for bringing this up, I have the opposite problem - want to make the the topic list lastpost wider, since I have overridden the lastpost.smallfont element...

Posted by: tha_watcha - Tuesday, 28 February 2012 01:27:13
[quote]Thanks for looking into this; must be a problem on my end; your changes effect my default.aspx?g=topics display last column perfectly, but have no effect on default.aspx?g=forum display[/quote] It depends what you actually add to your theme, with the code i posted above it should work on both pages.