Posted by: sho - Sunday, 18 December 2011 15:59:32
Just integrated YAF 1.9.6 beta into my website. It runs for a /forum dir. Everything works, no errors. Using custom membership, role and profile provider. Added 3 test posts and the number of post to my user is still 0. Any ideas ?

Posted by: sho - Sunday, 18 December 2011 16:04:20
Just added this: UPDATE [dbo].[yaf_User] SET NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 WHERE UserID = @UserID To the SP: yay_message_save Is this really necessary ??

Posted by: squirrel - Sunday, 18 December 2011 18:21:07
[quote=sho;52319]Just added this: UPDATE [dbo].[yaf_User] SET NumPosts = NumPosts + 1 WHERE UserID = @UserID To the SP: yay_message_save Is this really necessary ??[/quote] In the forum configuration in question, you have to make sure that forum has been told to count the posts towards the user post count --

Posted by: sho - Sunday, 18 December 2011 18:37:27
Didnt see that setting! Thanks :)