Posted by: tperry - Friday, 9 September 2011 14:32:28
Wish I understood it better, but here's the steps I took when I started noticing odd behavior from this feature. Not sure if this is causation or correlation; but didn't want to leave details out. [list=1][*]Turned on DB Read Tracking which caused all topics to show up as "unread" (to be expected since I didn't have a record in in the table as having read them. [*]I started clicking on "go to last unread" for posts to start clearing them. [*]I got through about 6 or 7 topics when I got a request for a role change from a user. I changed the role and ran exec dbo.yaf_ActiveAccess_reset not realizing the roles bug was fixed in this version (nice job, by the way). [*]I went back to clicking through to last unread posts on topics but noticed the topic page was no longer registering them as being read.[/list] I can see the values in TopicReadTracking table being updated, but the topic page doesn't seem to be respecting it anymore. Also noticed the the ForumReadTracking table only has 1 entry in it from Guest behavior but all the Forums show up as having no new topics.

Posted by: tha_watcha - Friday, 9 September 2011 17:16:14
[quote=tperry;51133]Wish I understood it better, but here's the steps I took when I started noticing odd behavior from this feature. Not sure if this is causation or correlation; but didn't want to leave details out. [list=1][*]Turned on DB Read Tracking which caused all topics to show up as "unread" (to be expected since I didn't have a record in in the table as having read them. [*]I started clicking on "go to last unread" for posts to start clearing them.[/list] [/quote] You dont need to go to every topic to mark them as read There is always the "Mark all Forums as Read" or "Mark Forum as Read" Link on the Bottom of the Topics Listing [quote=tperry;51133] [*]I got through about 6 or 7 topics when I got a request for a role change from a user. I changed the role and ran exec dbo.yaf_ActiveAccess_reset not realizing the roles bug was fixed in this version (nice job, by the way). [*]I went back to clicking through to last unread posts on topics but noticed the topic page was no longer registering them as being read.[/list] I can see the values in TopicReadTracking table being updated, but the topic page doesn't seem to be respecting it anymore. [/quote] Looks like this happens only on the topics page, very strange if the user loggs out and in its working again. i have to take further investigations. [quote=tperry;51133] Also noticed the the ForumReadTracking table only has 1 entry in it from Guest behavior but all the Forums show up as having no new topics.[/quote] Thats almost Correct the Tracking is not used for Guests only for users, only the Forum Read Tracking was enabled for Guests which is useless. I Removed that.

Posted by: tperry - Friday, 9 September 2011 17:45:47
[quote=tha_watcha;51137]You dont need to go to every topic to mark them as read There is always the "Mark all Forums as Read" or "Mark Forum as Read" Link on the Bottom of the Topics Listing [/quote] [omg] Boy do I feel stupid!