Posted by: eddy - Thursday, 20 January 2011 17:35:54
I have modified the app.config for url rewriting it works great. But all the urls are prefixed with yaf_ , how to changed to something else. removing yaf_ in the urlrewrite.config doest not work, as it is only a rewriter not the generator. any help is appreciated. thanks

Posted by: cagliostro - Thursday, 20 January 2011 17:50:58
I think it works, i mean the removal of the prefix.

Posted by: eddy - Thursday, 20 January 2011 17:58:29
No it is not working, i am using 1.9.4 Rc1 any suggestions thanks

Posted by: eddy - Thursday, 20 January 2011 23:32:21
Anyone can help thanks in advance

Posted by: cagliostro - Friday, 21 January 2011 00:31:27
Why don't you SEARCH these forums for "rewrite" ?

Posted by: squirrel - Friday, 21 January 2011 01:09:41
[quote=eddy;46213]No it is not working, i am using 1.9.4 Rc1 any suggestions thanks[/quote] You need to upgrade to a newer version for starters - you are running a 1.9.4 release candidate -- current release is 1.9.5 and is in beta which will be made a final once bugtesting is done.

Posted by: eddy - Friday, 21 January 2011 01:30:55
I searched the forum, could not find any thread. I donot plan to upgrade now, but does upgrade matter for seo url. thanks agian

Posted by: eddy - Wednesday, 26 January 2011 00:12:19
can any tell me how to change the prefix yaf_ to something else... and make the seo url work.