Posted by: jezzy.kiss - Monday, 30 August 2010 17:18:01
how to integrate YetAnotherForum with BlogEngine.NET ? is there is possible better way to do this ?

Posted by: cagliostro - Monday, 30 August 2010 23:37:32
Not sure if this is what you want. Also i have no idea how good or bad this is, seems very nice. http://sueetie.com/

Posted by: guest - Wednesday, 29 August 2012 10:20:17
I have put together a step by step guide to integrate YAF with BlogEngine. You can find it here: [url=http://am22tech.com/s/22/Blogs/post/2012/08/24/YAF-BE-Integration.aspx](Guide) Integrate YAF Yet Another Forum with BlogEngineDotNet [/url] The above article talsk about how to merge the web.config too for BE 2.6 with YAF 1.9.6.