Posted by: ggrassi - Tuesday, 11 May 2010 11:27:06
Hi, i'm trying to integrate YAF in my Website, which have already some users gestion with sql, with also pwd modify etc... Can someone help me or indicate some util links please? Thank you

Posted by: Chigs4u84 - Wednesday, 12 May 2010 09:54:54
Stuck on the similar problem.. please do let me know what method should i call on my custom login to create the user in the YAF db also . Help !

Posted by: UberError - Friday, 4 June 2010 22:47:07
Same issue here....

Posted by: Jaben - Friday, 4 June 2010 23:30:42
Hello, I'm selling a package to assist with this problem. It's a LINQ-based custom membership source code project that allows you to customize so that you have a custom membership (and role) provider for your existing data. Please contact me if you are interested at: clients@tinygecko.com

Posted by: Chigs4u84 - Saturday, 5 June 2010 09:19:16
Hey gys! i have already integrated the forum in my site... with my custom login page.. whenever any member will register to my site a login account will be created for the forum as well . check out my site: http://www.LetsMakeaRockBand.com/Forum/

Posted by: Kamyar - Saturday, 5 June 2010 18:00:29
[quote] Hey gys! i have already integrated the forum in my site... with my custom login page.. whenever any member will register to my site a login account will be created for the forum as well . check out my site: http://www.LetsMakeaRockBand.com/Forum/ [/quote] Very neat. Good work Chigs.

Posted by: new_Developer - Tuesday, 20 July 2010 14:19:59
[quote=Chigs4u84]Hey gys! i have already integrated the forum in my site... with my custom login page.. whenever any member will register to my site a login account will be created for the forum as well . check out my site: http://www.LetsMakeaRockBand.com/Forum/[/quote] this great but i have question as i face this problem now how you make register in your website & to forum at the same time (after you disable register & login in the forum ) keep in mind that the user password is encrypted for his security ==> this mean you have function that create password for each user & take the login name from his register if anyone can help will be great one outside forum how to https for the user login page to increase security as i search a lot & apply what in tutorials with no output Thank you