  • kiran0411
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

I tried to instal yaf. Here I am providing steps how I installed.

(1) I downloaded the latest yaf setup files from ur webiste.

(2) I have copied all you files to new project( I am using VS2008 with SP1)

(3) I have copied dev-recommended-web to my root web.config file.

(4) I have builded the applicaiton.Build got succed.

(5) I have created one database in MS SQL-2008.

(6) In db.config file I have given new connection string. builded the applicaiton ,build got succeded.

(7) Run the application got intal/default applciation

(8) Asked password and givenpassword as 123. and click on next.

(9) Here It is asked create or existing user.

Here It is not takeing newuser and asking password for existing user. It is not taking any password.

Pls notify me how to intal it successfuly.

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
Passwords must be complex.Something like David@123.

This also can be turned off in web.config.