  • steveferg
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago
I downloaded the 1.9.3 source code and into a /forum directory off my main site. I changed the db.config, app.config and renamed the dev-recommended-web.config to web.config. When I ran the install/default.aspx I got the error:

Insert statement conflicted with the Foreign Key constraint "FK_BBCode_Board". The conflict occurred in database "PTHDATA" [my database I had set up], table dbo.yaf_Board, column BoardID. Statement has been terminated.

It seemed to setup tables though. When I ran /default.aspx, I got a runtime error on line 98 of the App_code/yaf/forum.cs:

YAF.Classes.Base.ForumPage forumControl = ( YAF.Classes.Base.ForumPage ) LoadControl( src );

which says:

[ArgumentException was unhandled by user code]

The virtual path '/forum/pages/forum.ascx' maps to another application, which is not allowed.

Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
