  • jpweber
  • 94.4% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago
I recently upgraded from 1.95 to YAF-v1.9.6.1-RTW-SRC, and I went through the process www.ussvision.com/knowledgebase/install/default.aspx .... I actually edited my db.config and app.config manually, but everything eventually tested out successfully. But when I try to open my YAF (my knowledgebase), I get the following:


Server Error in Application "USSVISION.COM/KNOWLEDGEBASE"

Internet Information Services 7.5

Error Summary

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Detailed Error Information

Module IIS Web Core

Notification MapRequestHandler

Handler StaticFile

Error Code 0x80070002

Requested URL http://www.ussvision.com:80/knowledgebase/error404?aspxerrorpath=/knowledgebase/Default.aspx?g=login&=

Physical Path E:\web\ussvisionco\htdocs\knowledgebase\error404

Logon Method Anonymous

Logon User Anonymous

Failed Request Tracing Log Directory E:\web\ussvisionco\htdocs

Does anyone know a possible remedy for this? Thanks!

Jason Weber

USS Vision YAF 

"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons"

12 years ago

I recently upgraded from 1.95 to YAF-v1.9.6.1-RTW-SRC, and I went through the process www.ussvision.com/knowledgebase/install/default.aspx .... I actually edited my db.config and app.config manually, but everything eventually tested out successfully. But when I try to open my YAF (my knowledgebase), I get the following:


Server Error in Application "USSVISION.COM/KNOWLEDGEBASE"

Internet Information Services 7.5

Error Summary

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Detailed Error Information

Module IIS Web Core

Notification MapRequestHandler

Handler StaticFile

Error Code 0x80070002

Requested URL http://www.ussvision.com:80/knowledgebase/error404?aspxerrorpath=/knowledgebase/Default.aspx?g=login&=

Physical Path E:\web\ussvisionco\htdocs\knowledgebase\error404

Logon Method Anonymous

Logon User Anonymous

Failed Request Tracing Log Directory E:\web\ussvisionco\htdocs

Originally Posted by: jpweber 

Does anyone know a possible remedy for this? Thanks!

Try compaying your app.config files -- there might be a setting regarding your URLs that needs to be updated. That or you have some issue regarding file locations with the IIS Application. Depending on how YAF is installed as an application, the bin files and settings in the app.config might need to be altered.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago
First you should run the upgrade wizzard


It looks like there is a problem with the url rewriter does the UrlRewriter.config exists in your root folder?

  • jpweber
  • 94.4% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago
Hey tha_watccha. I did run the upgrade wizard, and everything tested out successfully, although I had to manually edit the db.config and app.config myself. Everything else works .... like I can use the admin, and I get get in there via www.ussvision.com/advanced.aspx ....

Yes, I actually even tried using my old 1.95 urlrewriter.config, but then switched back to the 1.96.

So the entire YAF /knowledgebase/ folder is set as an application in IIS, and the urlrewriter.config is located in the /knowledgebase/ folder.

The /bin/ folder is also located in the /knowledgebase/ directory. So it's www.ussvision.com/knowledgebase/bin/ and all the .dll files are located in there. I don't know if I should have put the /bin/ in the root, so it would be www.ussvision.com/bin/ all the .dll files?

Not sure!

Jason Weber

USS Vision YAF 

"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons"

  • jpweber
  • 94.4% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago
Problem solved. I have /bin/ directories with the .dll files both in the website root AND the /knowledgebase/ directory.

Additionally, I made some changes to the app,.config.

I already had:
