  • RikoNaz
  • 66.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
13 years ago
i upgraded from to the latest version the other day, my forum banner seems to be enclosed by a purple line and link underline by a purple line. i was searching through the cleanstyle.css theme file that i am using and couldnt located this. would anyone know what could be causing the purple line to appear? it doesnt appear in Safari or Firefox, just IE8 and IE7.I've attached a screenshot of what it look like


  • RikoNaz
  • 66.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
13 years ago
nvm..lol. was just a rogue href invalid link that was lingering in the default.aspx when i was positioning the banner earlier.