Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 12:40:16
I bet I have done somthing very simple wrong. At I am getting a 404 error. I used the BIN version of the latest package, and followed the ReadMe instructions.
Posted by: herman_herman - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 12:49:48
[quote]STEP 6. (OPTIONAL) MODIFY "app.config" FILE:
By default YAF is designed to be installed at the root application on any IIS web server. If you want YAF to be installed off of the main root, you need to modify the root key. Make sure the files in the /bin directory of the YAF zip file are copied to /bin directory on the root of your web server. Then open up "app.config" and uncomment the "YAF.AppRoot" key. Enter the value as the directory to your forum. Example: If you have install the forum in the directory "/forum/yaf/" you will need to uncommend/add key with name "YAF.AppRoot" and value "/forum/yaf/" to app.config.
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 12:51:52
[quote=herman_herman][quote]STEP 6. (OPTIONAL) MODIFY "app.config" FILE:
By default YAF is designed to be installed at the root application on any IIS web server. If you want YAF to be installed off of the main root, you need to modify the root key. Make sure the files in the /bin directory of the YAF zip file are copied to /bin directory on the root of your web server. Then open up "app.config" and uncomment the "YAF.AppRoot" key. Enter the value as the directory to your forum. Example: If you have install the forum in the directory "/forum/yaf/" you will need to uncommend/add key with name "YAF.AppRoot" and value "/forum/yaf/" to app.config.
The root of my URL (so to E:/bhtech, which is the root of or the root of my server (So E:/)
Posted by: herman_herman - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 12:58:55
Wherever you install YAF the directory needs to be defined as a virtual directory in IIS.For example the root of your website where you put index.html in most of the hosting is virtual directory but then if you want to install YAF in sub folder and the host does not allow you to create more than one virtual directory then you need to add the above switch.
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:09:28
Sorry, still seems not to work [cursing]
Attached is a screenshot of what the fileman is telling me. Below is the code in app.config (password removed)
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:11:51
Posted by: herman_herman - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:45:28
First make sure you have copied all DLL files form inside bin folder at /forum to the bin folder of you website root:
Then change the following key:
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:49:34
Done, still don't work. This is now annoying me really badly [cursing] [cursing] [cursing]
Posted by: herman_herman - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 14:45:26
Interesting...I can't get it to work in sub folder too.It does not take that switch into account at all .Will investigate...
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 16 February 2010 14:51:36
[quote=herman_herman]Interesting...I can't get it to work in sub folder too.It does not take that switch into account at all .Will investigate...[/quote]
Thanks a lot (clicked "thank" button).
Posted by: Ederon - Wednesday, 17 February 2010 05:30:31
App.Root should be "/forum" and contents of forum bin should be copied to root/bin if you are not running in virtual directory of its own for forum, or to /forum/bin if forum does have its own virtual directory/application.
In first case, also web config should be merged with your root site's one and place in the root of web. In second case, it's ok in /forum dir.
Posted by: bhtech - Wednesday, 17 February 2010 06:01:26
Right... Still showing an error. web.config is at, as are the bin and app_code folders. My app.config file is the same as above. All the rest of the folders are in a forum folder, which is at, which also reports 404
Posted by: herman_herman - Wednesday, 17 February 2010 11:01:46
[quote=Ederon]App.Root should be "/forum" and contents of forum bin should be copied to root/bin if you are not running in virtual directory of its own for forum, or to /forum/bin if forum does have its own virtual directory/application.
In first case, also web config should be merged with your root site's one and place in the root of web. In second case, it's ok in /forum dir.[/quote]
Went through all of them and didn't work.[confused]
Posted by: Ederon - Wednesday, 17 February 2010 11:39:02
Posted by: bhtech - Saturday, 20 February 2010 09:16:31
When I post FP:Ederon in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting.[/quote]
When will this be roughly. Would this work on a subdomain (which I think should be a virtual directory)
Posted by: Mek - Tuesday, 23 February 2010 09:07:41
Yes it'll work on a subdomain.
You could try and follow my instructions on my blog for installing to a subfolder although I haven't retested with the latest version of YAF; it did work with 1.93 no problems.
(See blog link).
Posted by: bhtech - Tuesday, 23 February 2010 12:54:27
its OK, I have used remotely hosted PHPBB
Thanks for all your help