Posted by: fervi84 - Monday, 6 July 2009 10:38:05
Hello to all. Two questions (and problems) 1- I just upgrade forum to 1.9.3 and now some users (not all) cannot login. A message appared and say that the submitted data are wrong...but it's not true. 2- I can't create new user."Membership Error Creating User: InvalidPassword" is the message that appears when I try to create a new user. can someone help me?

Posted by: Jaben - Monday, 6 July 2009 16:45:30
The password you are entering is not valid because it's not complex enough. You can lower the complexity requirements in the web.config membership settings by setting the minimumRequiredPasswordLength (defaults to 6) minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters (defaults to 1) so... you need at least one non alphanumeric character, eg: "!@#$%%^&*(){}_+" etc.

Posted by: fervi84 - Tuesday, 7 July 2009 05:40:35
Thanks, but nothing change. I use password with non alphanumeric character too but the message is the same. Ex pasword: as#df I try to change a user’s password using reset password. The user can login before the change, but not after. It’s keeping say "the user name or password is incorrect". Why that? So: window server 2003

Posted by: mddubs - Tuesday, 7 July 2009 11:26:07
[quote=Jaben]minimumRequiredPasswordLength (defaults to 6)[/quote] [quote=fervi84]Ex pasword: as#df[/quote] !!!