Posted by: AsULikeIt - Wednesday, 3 June 2009 04:27:21
Can we have a Ticker on the main page for displaying the b'day of the users.... and when clicked on the user it takes to the Private message with the preformated birthday wishes.... Just a thought.... Can increase the hits to the forums... :)

Posted by: RichP714 - Wednesday, 9 June 2010 01:42:49
THis is something i've been hoping for too; perhaps in the 'statistics' are of the forum, to display people's birthday on that date

Posted by: bbobb - Wednesday, 9 June 2010 08:40:54
This problem was alredy discussed. Use search. Due to some .NET Framework unimplemented things(despite specs) to make it without performance downgrade or some painful code changes is impossible.

Posted by: Jaben - Wednesday, 9 June 2010 22:48:00
The problem is .NET profiles don't allow any sort of searching. But it could be done as a background task once a day, I guess.