Posted by: rickdg - Thursday, 7 May 2009 10:41:34
Hi there :) I downloaded YAF yesterday and initially I wanted to do a setup for just the Forum to work and then eventually I will implement it into my existing app. After configuring most of the stuff - I got the DB to be copied but the default.aspx page will not render. I get the error page. So - I decided to try and do the implementation now. If I were to have a sub folder named Forum can you tell me what folders do I need to place there? Can I just put the dll's under my root bin folder? I am assuming that I don't need the install folder. Is there a forum message that (in the past) that addresses this? And last - has the idea of creating an install that works specifically for existing applications in the works? I think I can get this going if I knew what the folder structure of the sub folder Forum was. Thanks - Rick

Posted by: rmcbride@rama.com - Thursday, 7 May 2009 13:35:34
Hi Rickdg The attached file should get you through what you need to do. Thanks Richard

Posted by: rickdg - Thursday, 7 May 2009 13:51:56
Thanks, I have already downloaded that file and my confusion is if I have an existing app and I create a folder named "Forum" do I put the folder structure of "YetAnotherForum.NET" under that? [url=http://www.crystaldatabases.com/yaf.gif]Folder Structure[/url] Or am I missing something here?

Posted by: rmcbride@rama.com - Thursday, 7 May 2009 15:12:41
Hi rickdg The confusion is completely understandable. These things can be complicated the first time you do them. I am assuming you have the binary version of yaf, not the source code version. If that is not the case, you will need different instructions. So here goes. All you do is create a forums folder under your root web. So your should have something like "www.mywebsite.com/forums", or a file structure that looks like "webroot/forums". Then extract the contents of the zip file into the forum directory. You should end up with subdirectories for bin, controls, editors, images, install and so on inside that forum folder. Does this make sense to you? Thanks Richard

Posted by: rickdg - Thursday, 7 May 2009 15:21:20
yes :) it makes perfect sense. The whole idea of the bin folder and the App_Code folder being located in a sub folder was a stumbling point. So, thanks again, Rick