Posted by: phucnd - Tuesday, 7 October 2008 07:12:27
I downloaded a language file: [b]vietnamese.xml[/b] in the forum. Now, i want install it. But, i don't known. I try copy it and move to language folder in "dueling" : [b]wwwroot\dueling\languages[/b]. Please help me! Thanks!

Posted by: herman_herman - Tuesday, 7 October 2008 07:32:25
Hi You are doing the right thing.Maybe you need to just reload the page and then select your prefered langaugae from admin section. As far as i know Vietnamese is part of default language pack.Why do you need to install it?

Posted by: phucnd - Tuesday, 7 October 2008 08:33:42
Hi! Thank u! My YAF version ^^! Maybe i will upgrade it. Thanks!