Posted by: ruisu - Thursday, 5 June 2008 09:34:37
Hello, I already have an and section in my Web.Config file. Can anyone tell me what to do with these two lines required by YAFN: [code] [/code] Thank you~ --- Hmm, I think I get it...so I have to move what I have into those files?

Posted by: MicScoTho - Thursday, 5 June 2008 20:17:55
[quote=ruisu]Hmm, I think I get it...so I have to move what I have into those files?[/quote]Yes -- that should work. :) Those two XML lines specify that that XML block is in the external file given by the configSource attribute. Hope that helps.

Posted by: ruisu - Thursday, 5 June 2008 20:19:33
It does, lol...silly me.