Posted by: arti - Monday, 8 August 2016 12:59:02
I integrate yaf.net application in my existing application. All the links of master page is working only the login link is not working. In login link returlurl is append like http://localhost:61600/yetanotherforum/forum/login?returnurl=%2fde%2fhome%2fforum. When we click on this link, the page rediect to forum page, not a login page. When we remove returnurl part like http://localhost:61600/yetanotherforum/forum/login then login page is display. How we can solve this problem.

Posted by: tha_watcha - Friday, 12 August 2016 08:13:03
Did you see the sample Application? You can see the code here... https://github.com/YAFNET/YAF.SampleWebApplication/blob/master/C%23/YAF.SampleWebApplication/Site.Master.cs for the correct login url