Posted by: bgilbert - Wednesday, 21 May 2014 18:06:48
Hi Guys, I recently integrated the forum into my website. Everything is working except one issue, when clicking the logout button it just refreshes the page and doesn't do anything. There are no errors and also none in the chrome js console. I am using the default authentication provided by yaf.net. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted by: Zero2Cool - Wednesday, 21 May 2014 18:08:09

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:08:22
[quote=bgilbert;63711]Hi Guys, I recently integrated the forum into my website. Everything is working except one issue, when clicking the logout button it just refreshes the page and doesn't do anything. There are no errors and also none in the chrome js console. I am using the default authentication provided by yaf.net. Any help would be appreciated.[/quote] That is an JS or a CSS issue. Is your site online accessible yet so we can take a look?

Posted by: bgilbert - Thursday, 26 June 2014 20:10:44
Yes you can view it here: http://dev.coatingspromag.com/forum I am still having this issue. Thanks for the help.

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 28 June 2014 17:14:14
[quote=bgilbert;64117]Yes you can view it here: http://dev.coatingspromag.com/forum I am still having this issue. Thanks for the help.[/quote] The Javascript debugger shows two errors [quote]Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DEFAULTS' of undefined [/quote] and [quote]Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function [/quote] You need to resolve those issues, then the logout will work.