Posted by: vnwsxu - Saturday, 31 August 2013 12:53:35 |
I want to add it to tinyMCE on QuickReply. Who can help me! |
Posted by: Zero2Cool - Saturday, 31 August 2013 17:36:42 |
Adding some bbcode functionality to the quick reply would be neat. |
Posted by: squirrel - Friday, 6 September 2013 22:31:09 |
Quick reply supports the BBCodes - at least as far as I've used them - for such as [b]bold[/b] / [u]underline[/u] - even done some [code=plain]Code Postings and Updates[/code] this way -- it just doesn't have the 'cheaterbar up top of it' -- ------------------------- Additionally, I don't know if TinyMCE is the best option for a 'quick-reply' - it's a pretty heavy editor to load on every page post, only to be hidden by an 'expanding div' -- that would add a whole lot of traffic to a server - because it wouldn't be caching much of it the way browsers behave -- with each topic having different URLs, TinyMCE would load it's scripts new each time instead of looking at the browser cache. I could be wrong on this but I've seen the behavior with several ClassicASP sites I use. Even with my TinyMCE install in a 'shared' location for my app, on occasion I see it re-pulling all the editor files even though they are already cached at the browser... |
Posted by: Zero2Cool - Friday, 6 September 2013 22:32:40 |
[quote=squirrel;61006]Quick reply supports the BBCodes - at least as far as I've used them - for such as [b]bold[/b] / [u]underline[/u] - even done some [code=plain]Code Postings and Updates[/code] this way -- it just doesn't have the 'cheaterbar up top of it' -- [/quote] "cheater bar" is what is being asked for by me at least. :) |
Posted by: squirrel - Friday, 6 September 2013 22:35:24 |
I bet there's a way to make it appear without much code modification - not 100% sure tho :) I still owe you a mobile theme or I'd look at the code to see if its modular enough to be added quickly (the cheater bar) |
Posted by: Zero2Cool - Friday, 6 September 2013 22:37:24 |
[quote=squirrel;61008]I bet there's a way to make it appear without much code modification - not 100% sure tho :) I still owe you a mobile theme or I'd look at the code to see if its modular enough to be added quickly (the cheater bar) [/quote] haha if you can't get to it, that's okay, no worries. I think many would get use out of the added BBCode to quickreply whereas the mobile theme only helps me, thus ... BBCode > mobile theme. :) |
Posted by: squirrel - Friday, 6 September 2013 22:43:49 |
I found the 'render controls' part of it -- I gotta look at the quick-reply in the section now to see how it's rendered. They have two text editors - one that is strictly plain text, the other is a BBCodeEditor that states in it's comments it's used with the QuickReply function - will play a little more and see what I can't break! |
Posted by: bbobb - Monday, 16 September 2013 19:10:35 |
This can be really done easy by commention a line of code, but the problem is that it will be loaded every time when page loads, this is too demanding on perfomance. |