Posted by: johnk - Friday, 31 May 2013 21:27:43
I downloaded the latest version from codeplex. Built it and ran /install/default.aspx I created two users (one admin and one normal user). I added posts to each account. However the post count remains 0. It is showing zero in all places (forum posts, user profile, etc). It does list all posts under user post history. Everything else is working fine. I can add post, edit post, delete post, etc.

Posted by: johnk - Friday, 31 May 2013 22:39:18
I am guessing there is a try catch block in the code. If there is an error in getting post count it defaults to 0. Any idea in which file I can find this try catch block?

Posted by: johnk - Friday, 31 May 2013 22:59:09
Update: I got the same error when I used (a) the empty Database.mdf file from YAF and (b) existing Database.mdf file. Steps are same as above: 1. Download latest build from codeplex. 2. Build and install it. 3. Create new users and post few forum posts Expected: Forum post count to increase Actual: Forum post count is 0 for all users. Bug Priority: High

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 1 June 2013 00:39:09
Check the Forums Setting the Default subforum "test forum" has the setting "no post count" enabled. If you disable this setting the posts will be counted

Posted by: johnk - Saturday, 1 June 2013 00:54:13
Thank you so much for letting me know. I was browsing through all the sql code trying to find the code :) I removed the "no count" checkbox from default forum setting and forum posts are been counted correctly. :-d