Posted by: johans - Friday, 10 May 2013 09:53:16
Found a bug. LegacyDb.message_getRepliesList() is missing column DeleteReason. Just make a thread with at least 3 messages. Delete two of them. Then undelete the first one. Deletemessage.asxc.cs Page_Load() loads a preview of the other messages in the thread using: [code=csharp]DataTable tempdb = LegacyDb.message_getRepliesList(this.Get().QueryString.GetFirstOrDefault("m"));[/code] That tempdb is loaded into a MessagePostData object which in RenderMessage() checks for [code=csharp]var deleteText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( this.Get().Server.HtmlDecode(Convert.ToString(this.DataRow["DeleteReason"]))) ? this.Get().RepairHtml((string)this.DataRow["DeleteReason"], true) : this.GetText("EDIT_REASON_NA"); [/code]