Posted by: jccfrancis - Friday, 15 June 2012 22:49:06
version: YAF-v1.9.6.1-RTW-BIN Hosting Plataform: windows version unknown, framework 4, mssql 2008 r2 After editing the roles and ranks with the same information, about the bbCodes and html tags allowed, from the [color=orange]Host Settings -> Editors -> Forum Editor[/color] I tried to set a default editor, and also by allowing the user to select the editor (btw if this option is allowed it would be nice to be able to do that while editing a post instead of going to the user profile and set it from there), went to edit the user signature using html tags (specifically the Playstation Portable ID), tried with all the editors. Html is being interpreted as plain text. I guess that from the editors available there is no hybrid that supports both HTML & BBCode, I tried to lot HTML in every editor, and i was expecting it to work with the ones that says HTML :P but no. [b]About the images[/b] [color=orange]Host Settings -> Image Attachment Settings -> Image Attachment Resize Max Width / Height[/color] I set it to the maximum size I expect to view in every image inside any post, I set it to 200 x 200 (since there is no unit specification I guess is pixels) I test it with a image 1600 x 1200, result, a resize width 500px height auto, done by the CSS, so the configuration seems to be ignored. Test it on signature and posts. [b]Avatars[/b] The avatars are not refreshed after beign set for the first time, if you set another one after, it remains in the browsers cache, lasting for more than one day, I figure it out, but the common user will say wtf? it doesnt work. Until the user deltes the browser cache, it's refreshed. Tested on Firefox / Chrome

Posted by: tha_watcha - Saturday, 16 June 2012 05:04:13
[quote]I guess that from the editors available there is no hybrid that supports both HTML & BBCode, I tried to lot HTML in every editor, and i was expecting it to work with the ones that says HTML but no.[/quote] Both CKEditor and TinyMCE support BB Codes and HTML, if you know how the Editor works you can enter html code. those editors have two Modes the WYSIWYG and the Source mode the WYSIWYG is the regular Mode for entering simple text, if you switch to source mode (On CKEditor there is a button SOURCE) you see the html output of the text and you can also enter html code. For more simple using you could create an additional BB Code for the Playstation Portable ID [quote]About the images Host Settings -> Image Attachment Settings -> Image Attachment Resize Max Width / Height I set it to the maximum size I expect to view in every image inside any post, I set it to 200 x 200 (since there is no unit specification I guess is pixels)[/quote] No the Setting says clearly Image [b]Attachment[/b] Settings, which applies only to attachment Images which also includes albums. In the Next Version i changed that to unify this setting to include also images in posts and signatures [quote] The avatars are not refreshed after beign set for the first time, if you set another one after, it remains in the browsers cache, lasting for more than one day, I figure it out, but the common user will say wtf? it doesnt work.[/quote] It does work for me, as soon as i hit F5 the avatar gets updated.

Posted by: jccfrancis - Monday, 18 June 2012 16:38:55
Thanks for your answer, the HTML code works as you said, the avatars issue I guess is something related to my hosting chache or something like that, and about the resize feature you're gonna implement that's great, I'd like to say that it would be good to have a separate resize for images in posts, and another for signatures. By the way, I believe I've done so far some stupid questions hehe (like the one of the editor to support HTML), I've been doing trial and error tests with most of the features, but sometimes I get confused. Is there a complete manual or wiki for final user / admin so I can check it out :P before posting something I don't know? hehe Another question, seems that the HTML editor is only being able in the posts but not in when you edit the signature, is this ok?

Posted by: tha_watcha - Monday, 18 June 2012 17:46:20
[quote=jccfrancis;55018] I'd like to say that it would be good to have a separate resize for images in posts, and another for signatures.[/quote] That would only work if the resizing is done via the css files, and not as setting because both use the same base for bb code or html. But if you want to use an html editor instead of an bbcode editor you can simply manipulate the image size via the editor. [quote=jccfrancis;55018] By the way, I believe I've done so far some stupid questions hehe (like the one of the editor to support HTML), I've been doing trial and error tests with most of the features, but sometimes I get confused. Is there a complete manual or wiki for final user / admin so I can check it out :P before posting something I don't know? hehe[/quote] No problem simply ask if you have questions. There is currently no complete manual/guide for admins, only an help guide for users it is directly included with the forum, when you Click on the Help MenĂ¼ Item in the Main Forum Menu [/quote] [quote=jccfrancis;55018] Another question, seems that the HTML editor is only being able in the posts but not in when you edit the signature, is this ok?[/quote] You can use an HTML Editor for Signatures however the allowed HTML Tags and BB Codes that are allowed are handled differently as for messages. What Tags are allowed is handled per User Roles, which tags can be used for the current user is listed below the signature Editor