Posted by: Dimi - Tuesday, 26 April 2011 11:24:24
How can we find a list of the most popular postings - i.e. with the most "read" numbers? If we don't have this feature it would be great to get it. I think the forum keeps this info on the database, so it's just one query to get it ordered by this number DESC and show. Although the links to these topics/postings would be helpful as well.

Posted by: RichP714 - Tuesday, 26 April 2011 23:10:02
Also, 'most thanked' would be a great feature to show the forum's 'best posts'

Posted by: Dimi - Friday, 6 May 2011 07:43:16
One more thing - the most popular Topic on my forum is :Forum FAQ: :cheesy: The 5-th place is taken by "Forum Rules". Here is how I got it: SELECT TOP 25 * FROM [HappyAnkle].[dbo].[yaf_Topic] ORDER BY [Views] DESC So it looks like we need a way to exclude some topics from this rating.

Posted by: Zero2Cool - Tuesday, 23 October 2012 14:53:42
You can see this SQL query (with a WHERE clause for time frame) on my site. http://packershome.com/Top10.aspx I've renamed Thanks to Applause. [code=sql;-1]SELECT TOP 10 COUNT([MessageID]) as 'Applause', [yaf_User].[Name] as 'Member' FROM [yaf_Thanks] INNER JOIN [yaf_User] ON [yaf_Thanks].[ThanksToUserID] = [yaf_User].[UserID] GROUP BY [yaf_Thanks].[MessageID], [yaf_User].[Name] ORDER BY COUNT([MessageID]) DESC[/code] This query just shows the top 10 Thanked posts along with the member name by the amount of times it was Thanked.